Chapter 1

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Yo! Arrexu here with my first ever watching fanfic that I adopted from Pakalu. It's a story written by YagamiNguyen who graciously allowed me to make one for him. Either way, I'm sure there's a lot who liked this fanfic so without further ado, i bring you 

Misfits (watching The Prince of Olympus Remastered/adopted)


Mt. Olympus

Chatters and banters rang throughout the room as the Olympian gods and goddesses tried to defuse the fight between Zeus and Poseidon from starting a war while the minor gods cower and hide from the increasing tension.

"no! I'm warning you Poseidon if you don't give back my lightning bolt to me soon, I will show you why I am hailed as the king of gods!" an enraged Zeus glared hate fully at the god of sea.

"how many times do I have to tell you that I don't have your bolt? What part of it you don't understand? If I really wanted your toy I would've taken it long time ago, you fool!" an equally rage Poseidon said while gripping on his trident, ready to struck at the King of Olympus.

"why you!..."

"father, please stop this!" the goddess of wisdom finally intervene before anything bad happen that would definitely lead to absolute disaster. "Nothing will come out good if we fight-"

"ahem, I'm here you know, owl head"

"shut it warmonger! If you don't have anything good to say dump yourself somewhere, you good for nothing"


"enough! I have decided if my lightning bolt should not return to me by the end of the month. There will be war." The king of gods firmly said as he looked at Poseidon chillingly.

Suddenly a black portal appears on the room and a figure of a man in a white robe and a hanya-mask like face came out. The menacing aura could be felt by all gods, they narrow their eyes at the unknown being nothing more so of Athena as she try to analyze the situation but ready to attack if situation calls. The vibes from this masked man was more intimidating than Hades.

The man glide in front of Zeus as he bow lightly to the king of gods showing a tidbit of respect which help to ease the tension and calm the other gods especially Ares and refrain from attacking.

"forgive my intrusion Zeus, King of gods this will be brief; I am Shinigami of Shinto faction" this brought surprise looks from all the gods of what could be the reason the death god visit them personally. Although they don't have any bad history against Shinto they are not in friendly terms either.

" may be all wondering why someone a being like me doing here but before I tell you I brought you someone that will help you in the future." The shinigami snap his fingers. A young adult appeared in the center, he was clad in night pajamas as he was obviously taken from his home when he was asleep. A smile adorned on his cute whiskered face, mumbling something while scratching his butt.

The gods chuckles lowly at the show except for Artemis, due to very obvious reason. ".. that's utterly disgusting. Why did you bring a mortal boy, shinigami?"

A wicked smile crept on shinigami's face and sent shivers to Artemis spine, "That milady because this young man will play a pivotal role to the upcoming war and I am not talking about the war between your King and the god of seas. His name is Uzumaki Naruto. Anyway, it will be all your decision if you want him to be part of it or you can send him back to my realm."

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