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two days passed and on the third day, celia just wanted to go shopping and relax. all day was no good, she had a hand full of people looking to have a job their and a hand full of people complaining that their was no workers their to help them. with a quick explanation and a discount with their name on it, the un-happy customers were now happily on their way home.

what helped make the day go by easier was Jonah dropping by in the middle of the day with her favorite meal, chicken Alfredo from olive garden. only dropping by to drop off her meal because he had a interview to go to, they said their goodbyes and he was off, and celia going back to stalk jack avery on Instagram

over they couple of day celia had listen to all the boys songs and had fallen in love with a special curly hairs boy, with the eidetic memory she has, she had remembered all the lyrics to each song and remembered what boy sang what.

finally it was the closing hour for the little library at the corner of the street. it was around 3 in the afternoon, it may be early but the new little library needed work and the poor young lady the own it need to rest.     

it wasn't until she had turned all the lights off and was about to lock the doors of her little library. that's someone begged her for a job

"hello miss, I took notice in your 'help wanted' sign and please it seem like your in a rush but can I take a second of your time" the women said. for some reason celia couldn't turn the women down, their was just something about her that celia liked

"come on in" she says opening the door and turning on the lights of the book place

"take a seat" celia insisted to the lady, that had finally took a seat in front of her

"hi, sorry for the last minute but I was really busy today and I walk past you library and noted myself to come and ask about the job" the black haired lady said

"no its totally fine, so lets start off with names, im celia"

the two ladys spent and hour talking, celia learning her new employees name, she goes by alexa, she learned alexa is a book worm like her, and preferred quiet places to stay at, and has really good patience, which is severely needed in the little book store.

the two went their separate ways, celia telling alexa to come in at 10 in the morning the next day, celia not wanting to go shopping anymore had decided it was best to go home and sleep and shopping will have to wait until the next day after work.

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