"What did you do in school that made you go home this late?" Jennie suddenly asked.

Lisa gulped nervously, too surprised with Jennie's sudden questioning, she doesn't know what alibi to say.

"I asked for Lisa's help for our Math homework and she stayed to teach how to do it to me, we did not notice the time so we kinda went out late." Chaeyoung spoke for Lisa since she knows the girl's secret.

Lisa sighed in relief and gave a knowing look at Chaeng using tge mirror.

Jennie who saw the interaction, tho she did not know the meaning behind it scoffed.

"Seriously? Didn't you just think that it would be much safer if you just went home to do it. It's not safe to stay outside at this rate." Jennie answered with the same tone which Lisa did not find nice so she decided to answer this time.

"It's my fault, Jen. Chaeyoung suggested that we should just do it at home but I told her to do it here so we could use the library. I did not know that it will take us time until we finished it." Lisa said. "And if you know that it's dangerous to stay out late, then why are you going home just now?" Lisa asked Jennie back. This time Jennie was caught off guard.

"I'm with Alex, I have someone who will protect me in case something bad happen." Jennie replied.

"And you think I can't do the same? I can protect myself and Chaeng too." Lisa answered back.

"You think you can? What are you, a superhero?" Jennie asked back.

"Then is Alex a superhero??" Lisa answered again.

"No! Whatever, the point is he's a man and he's way stronger than you so I know he's capable of protecting me." Jennie said and that made Lisa mad.

"Then what the hell are you doing in my car now? You should just gone off with Alex instead of saying to my face that you don't feel safe with me because I'm a girl, and yeah I am weak." Lisa spat angrily.

"That's not what I mean!" Jennie yelled frustratedly.

"Then what else do you mean by that? I'm not stupid to not get what you mean. What do you think Chaeng?" Lisa asked Chaeyoung, finally noticing the Australian's presence at the back.

"Uh.. I think that's my house already." Chaeyoung answered awkwardly.

"Oh.. okay." Lisa said and parked his car at the side of the road.

"I guess, it's my stop. Thank you for dropping me off Lis. Take care okay? Bye Jennie, take care too." Chaeng said kindly but Jennie did not give her a reply not even just a single nod.

The Australian took her exit but Lisa doesn't want to leave her friend like that so she went out of the car too and called Chaeyoung.

"Hey Chaeng! I'm really sorry you have to witness that. Sorry if Jennie is being rude to you, I don't even know why she's like that today." Lisa apologized.

Chaeng just chuckled, "it's okay Lis. Besides, it's obvious that she doesn't like me." She said.

"What? No. I think Jennie is---"

"You don't have to say anything. It's okay." Chaeyoung said and pat Lisa's shoulder to assure that she's okay. "Take care you two." She smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." Lisa said in defeat.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." Chaeyoung said and leaned in to give Lisa a kiss on her cheek.

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