"Byakuya!" called the surprised Ichigo. "Kenpachi! Asa-san!" Just then, he heard something from behind, prompting him to turn his head to see Yammy angrily get back up. "He got up already!"

"Step aside, Kurosaki Ichigo." ordered Byakuya, immediately grabbing his attention.

"Stop looking dumb." said Zaraki. "You get beaten up wherever you go. It's pathetic, so move out of the way, you piece of crap!" He raised his blade, which caused the said boy to watch nervously, and attempted to strike the latter, who quickly dodged the attack. Asa blinked owlishly at the scene, feeling both confused and amused.

"Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing, Kenpachi?!" yelled Ichigo after scooting away from him. "You swung at me for real! That's dangerous! Are you trying to kill me?!"

"That's right." replied the said Shinigami. "Wimps should die." With that, he began to charged towards Ichigo.

"Wait, Kenpachi!" he yelled desperately. "Now's not the time to be doing this." Suddenly, Yammy's fist headed straight for Zaraki and punched him into a distance. "Kenpachi!"

"That hurt." said the Arrancar, who managed to get up despite having to stand on his remaining legs. "That hurt, you piece of crap! I won't forgive you. I won't forgive you! How dare you cut my leg! I'll kill you, you damn bug!" Just when he was about to release his reiatsu, a huge rubble came flying towards him, to which he easily destroyed it with one punch.

"Oh, good." said Zaraki while placing his feet on a rubble. "So you can punch. That last one only gave me an itch. I thought you were some giant fly. If you're going to hit me, do it with all your might, maggot."

"You're an impudent little fly!" scowled Yammy, who then turned around to begin attacking the grinning Zaraki. "How's that?! Can't do anything, can you?! You're just a damn bug!

"Kenpachi!" called Ichigo worriedly, but Byakuya held his hand in front of him, preventing him from going forward.

"I told you to step aside, Kurosaki Ichigo." he repeated. When the said boy tried to argue, he continued, "There is nothing for you to do here. Hurry to the World of the Living."

"I'll go to the World of the Living!" he said. "But I've got to defeat him first! Besides, I can't leave so easily! Urahara-san has to open things up on the other side."

"My, my." came another familiar voice that caught him guard. "You sure make a fuss about Urahara."

Ichigo turned around with his eyes wide open, even more surprised to see who it was. "Kurotsuchi Mayuri." he muttered.

"A Substitute Shinigami dares address me without respect?" questioned the said Captain. "And he addresses that old man's granddaughter with respect instead? Humph! Well, I supposed it's better than being addressed on a first-name basis like you do to those two."

"How generous." said Byakuya sarcastically before his gaze landed on the huge item Nemu was pushing. "Is it because of that cart?"

"That's right." replied Kurotsuchi. "I've just obtained some rare treasures. I'm in a very good mood. Furthermore, I was able to analyse the structure of the Garganta at the place where I obtained these treasures."

At this, Ichigo got up with surprise. "Analysed... the Garganta?" he repeated with disbelief.

"That's right!" responded the Captain. "Furthermore, it has no flaws! It lasts nearly indefinitely! I can just imagine his look of frustration! There is no way I can't be in a good mood! I can easily overlook the chattering of a rude monkey! Make preparations, Nemu! We're going to send this Substitute Shinigami to the World of the Living!"

Noble Love - Bleach (Kuchiki Byakuya x Oc x A bit of Various)Where stories live. Discover now