The First Meeting

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I know I'm starting this story on sort of a whim--but I can't shake the feelings of this piece, because I think I have a good idea so I'll try and do my best to post this, no prior writing or anything because this idea just exploded in my head. Fortunately, I'm good with layout so it will look professional. :D. Jk, Merong.

The pic on the side is the visual embodiment of what I think Sky looks like, although I don't know if I'll list her as a cast member. The song by Brooke Rose is meant to be played during the last part of this chapter.

Anyway, please enjoy, vote, comment, whatever flips your switch. Thanks! <3

Skylar's P.O.V

I was so late! So fudging late for school it wasn't even funny. I jumped across the room on one foot, trying to zip up my converse with one hand and untying my loose ponytail with the other. My long hair finally cascaded around my shoulders as I plomped down at my dressing table. I finished putting on my sneakers and tucked my red plaid pants into the top; too lazy to stuff them in my socks. As I combed my hair quickly, I examined my outfit in the mirror, from what I could see: my torso. I was wearing an admittedly tight fitting white mid-sleeve shirt with buttons that stopped just below my elbow. The cryptic, yet well drawn pattern of an eagle was covered by a small, black mid vest that stopped right where my bra was supposed to. That, with a pair of red plaid fingerless gloves should fit me for the day.

Yeah. I'm the kind of person that has to dress elaborately. Part of my personality; take it or leave it.

I was finally through with combing my hair, and I slipped on my gloves and ran to go shove my books in my bookbag. When I finished, I grabbed my leather jacket and ran down the stairs.

"I was about to leave you in the house by yourself, to take your damn sweet time." my brother Jake called from the kitchen. He took out the carton of milk and chugged it. I covered my eyes and pretended to look away.

"Dude, that's gross! And besides, I said wait five minutes! Would it have killed you to wait five measly minutes?" I replied.

He swallowed all his milk; a long mustache leaving residue on his upper lip. He looked down at me with his clear, gray eyes.

"Yes." he replied in all seriousness.

I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed him away. "By the way, you have to pick up a carton of milk after school."

I turned from my new place at the counter, throwing a microwave pancake into the microwave. "What? You're the one who drank it all, though!" I shouted.

He shrugged and grinned; picking up his car keys and twirling them expertly around one finger.

"Jake, wait!" I called, stuffing the pancake into my mouth and throwing my plate in the sink. I ran out behind him and unlocked the house door behind me. I slipped into the passenger seat as Jake was turnig on the engine.

"Geez! Will you ever let me catch a break?" I asked; exasperated as I put my bookbag on the floor before me and pulled out my iPod.

"Maybe. One day when you really need one." he grinned and gunned the car; causing me to yelp with mortification, almost dropping my iPod in the process.

A few minutes later, we pulled up in front of my high school: Roosevelt Preparatory Academy.

"Thanks for the death ride." I said cheekily, as I unzipped my seatbelt.

He shot me the peace sign and drove off. I turned around, putting my bookbag on my back, shoving my headphones back into my ears and looking around for my friends.

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