Perfection is Beauty

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*This is a poem about a girl with insecurites. It's not about my feelings personally but of course it's based on insecurites. Something ALL of us have at one point or another. It really highlights the way a LOT of girls think. When I was younger, like 14-16 this is how I used to think. I really tried to put myself back in that frame of mind again. Now that I'm older I see things in a completely different mind frame. The first part of this poem is a girl expressing her inner most feelings and insecurities. The second part is sort of like a response in which she is reassured that she is beautiful. This kind of represents the younger girl, and the older girl. I hope it transcends well. I also hope that is serves as a message to every single girl out their battling against her perception of herself, that she IS beautiful. So here is Part 1*

-Part one. - Perfection is beauty.

I long to look like the models in magazines,

or the beauties I see on  T.V screens.

Why can't I just look better?

Look at me I'm huge!

I'd never fit into that blue sweater.

I mean look at my nose! It's bent,

Now plastic surgery that'd be money well spent!

I'm not asking for much just a bit thinner,

That's not a crime?

It hardly makes me a sinner.

When I look in the mirror I don't see poise

I don't see grace.

All I see is plain old me and my big fat face.

When people look at me I try not to care,

But I can  see the disgust in their stare.

All I want is to be called hot.

All I want is what other girls have got.

What's the use in being a maths whizz?

When your hair sticks on end and is a giant ball of frizz?

All I want is to feel pretty.

I don't care about being smart.

I don't care about being witty.

Days alone I will spend,

because there is no chance i'm getting a boyfriend!

No one wants you when you have monstrous thighs,

They'll tell you you're sexy, but it's all lies.

They say don't judge a book by it's cover,

but who wants a fat girl for a lover?

Being thin gets you all the attention,

not a whale in 3 dimension.

But hey, I'l just fake a big 'ol smile 

and let the pain melt away.

At least for a little while.

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