If only

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*This is a poem about suicide, and the effects it has on those who are left behind. </3 Suicide is a very serious issue, and one that is very close to my heart. I have lost friends and family to suicide. It is something that is completely preventable if enough awareness is raised and there is enough support out there. People battling with suicidal thoughts need to know they are not, nor are they ever alone. *

If only I knew, about your pain

But then again you weren't one to complain.

If only I knew, what was going on in your mind.

You truly were one of a kind.

If ony, you came to me and cried,

I would have wiped your tears, been by your side.

If only you knew, you were never alone

all you had to do was text, or pick up the phone.

If only, I could once again see your face,

we could go to the park, the movies or just your place.

If only, I could sit with you and talk,

reminsce, gossip maybe go for a walk.

If only you knew, how much you truly did mean,

but now you're gone, never again to be physically seen.

If on;y you knew, that I see your eyes in the trees

I hear your voice whisper in the breeze.

If only, I could go back to that fateful night

perhaps prevent that dreadful fight.

I can't help but think I was somehow to blame,

now that you're gone nothing will ever be the same

If only, it wasn't too late,

But I can't go back, I can't change fate.

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