Chapter 17

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Hello there! Christmas 2018 is only 8 short days away!! Hope you are all well and managing through all the December madness.

I am extremely grateful for all your reads, likes, and comments. Keep them coming! It makes my week!

I wish life wouldn't get in the way and I could update more than one chapter per week. (Fingers crossed, we may get there yet). Meanwhile, if you fancy reading something else go on and have a look at imnuttyovstuff (sorry, tried to tag but it didn't work, just search her profile)  . (Twitter @imnuttyovastyls). She has one finished story and an ongoing one, both delightful.

Reading is a passion of mine. Whenever I find a good story and a good author I can't help myself, and I talk about it to everyone who will listen. Next week I'll tell you about another author I love here in Wattpad, so it'll be easy for you to find the stories if you are so inclined.

Without further ado, let's get started with Bliss & Harry.



"You can do this just remain calm, Bliss," Logic said, in an attempt to quell the panic attack that was threatening to take over me.

Harry seeing me in a bikini -as alarming as it sounds- suddenly was not the most important thing on my mind, once the realization that I only had ten minutes to get ready before leaving for dinner set in.

Harry was always punctual and hated it when people were late. He had offered to postpone dinner but I point blank refused.

"We have to leave in about ten minutes, Bliss," he had said tentatively.

"I did take a little nap, but don't you worry I'll be ready," I answered trying desperately not to think about Harry's gorgeous eyes scanning my barely dressed self.

"You sure?" he asked with a note of incredulity in his voice, "It's no biggie, I can call Ben and set dinner for another day, we can't be late today because he has to be in the Late Late Show set after dinner."

"I'll throw something on quickly, I'll be but a minute" I bluffed.

"Fine," he replied, holding up his hands in defeat, "I'll wait for you in the entryway, by the garage door" Of course Harry was already dressed, looking amazing in brown suede boots, skinny black jeans, and a blue Hawaiian print shirt thrown over a white tee. But of course, this is Harry we are talking about here. He could very well go out to dinner wearing only his underpants, and he still would look amazing, all the people in the restaurant would die at the sight of him, but the main thing is he still would look great.

After I repeatedly assured Harry that I'd be ready in ten minutes or less, I had to make good on my word. I mean, if I didn't deliver on my promise it would not only be completely unprofessional and rude, I'd be letting Harry down, and worse of all he'd tease me mercilessly till the end of time (or at least until the end of tour). He's toned down teasing me about my "drinking habits" considerably, but all the embarrassing moments of the last days, you know the naughty robe compiled with me falling asleep and missing a work dinner would give him massive material to work with.

I seemed to have placed myself in a bit of a predicament. I needed to rally the troops, I needed reinforcements, and that's when both Panic and Logic stepped up. Lucky for me, Logic won. I was indeed lucky because if Panic had won that round, I'd still be in bed hyperventilating and crying under the covers.

Under strict instructions from Logic, I didn't bother with a shower. "You did bathe after your morning workout. Just put on some more antiperspirant and perfume" It had said. And yes, it was true.

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