Remembering their first meeting

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Texas 2018:
"Have anyone asked for me ?" I ask my best friend Gia, as i walk into the reception area, close to two hours later.

She looks up from the computer. "No.. anyone in particular who should have asked for you ?"

"Well, do you remember I told you about my first serious boyfriend ? Well my only really serious boyfriend.. Zac.. Well he moved here and we have a.. coffee.. date.. to catch up". I explain.

"Mr perfect.. the man who makes any other man look like shit warmed over in Your eyes.. he is here ? And you have a date ?" Her eyes go huge.

I nod. "Yeah.. him. And I know it sounds crazy.. but he is even more handsome now".

"Ohh, so maybe you could.. you know.. get him back ?" She say wiggling his eyebrows.

"He could be married for alle I know.. I mean a man like him, he can't be single. He was ready to start a family at 21.. he probably have teenage kids". I say, feeling a slight sting in my chest.

Gia shrugs. "You never know before you ask.. but how was it you two met ? Through his sister right ?"

LA 1999:

"My big brother is coming home today for the weekend, he can go with us tonight right ?" One of my best friends Shekinah look at me.

I have known Shekinah for almost 2 months, I just transferred for this year. We are in highschool together and we had clicked instantly. "Oh.. sure".

"Don't worry, my brother is the sweetest guy ever, a little awkward with girls, they tend to take advantage of him". She tells me.

"That's unfair.. I mean when women take advantage of nice guys they ruin it to the rest of us.. it ends with no one wanting to be a nice guy". I say shaking my head.

I am wondering what her brother looks like, if he looks anything like her. She has talked about him a couple of times, called him a nerd. If I remember right he is working at a blockbuster, but he wants to be an actor.

She nod. "Yeah, he deserves a great girl.. someone sweet and caring.. he hasn't had that many girlfriends. He is just so nerdy, so they friendzoned him. Now he has starting to grow into his face, but I guess he still doesn't feel good enough".

"I am sure he will find one". If he's anything like Shekinah he should be able to get a girlfriend.

After School we go back to Shekinah's home, saying a quick hi to her mother. Honestly I don't like her mother much, she seems a bit weird. But she lets us do almost whatever we want.

An hour later we are playing on an old beat up Nintendo in her room, laughing at how much we suck at it, but it is quite fun.

There is a short knock, but the door opens before Shekinah can answer and a tall dark haired guy walks in. "Hey sis.. oh I didn't know you had company.. hi".

"Zac !" Shekinah jumps up to hug him and I realise that he is really tall. "This is my best friend Angel.. or Angelica actually".

He looks a me and smile, holding out his hand. He has such a beautiful smile. "Hi Angel.. Can I call you Angel ? Nice to meet you".

"Sure everyone does, and likewise Zac". I smile back at him, as his very large hand engulfs mine. Honestly with all the times Shekinah called him nerd I hadn't expected him to be so handsome.

"Come play with us". Shekinah say, getting back down on the floor.

Zac folds his long legs, sitting down between us. "Sure".

Soon after we are all taking our turns playing, while Zac is telling Shekinah about the auditions he has been to and a play he did. I like listening to him talking. He has a nice voice and he is funny.

He also smile a lot and I like his smile, it makes him even more handsome, which isn't easy.

"Okay I will go shower first". Shekinah say getting up almost two hours later. "Can you two entertain each other while I am gone ?"

"Sure". Zac say.

"No problem". I nod and she disappear.

I glance at her, feeling a bit nervous. She is so hot and as always around beautiful girls I feel a bit nervous. "So another game, just you and me ?"

"Okay, but you'll flatten me.. I am so bad". She say, flipping her dark blonde hair over her shoulder. He blue eyes looking at me.

"I could show you how to do ? If.. if you like me too". I bite my lip, was that to much ?

She smiles at me. "Cool.. that would be awesome.. if you really want to I mean".

"Yeah sure". I turn the game back on. "Okay, now try and do as I say".

I try guiding her, but it doesn't really work and we both break down in fits of laughter as she dies again.

Her voice breathless from the laughing. "Sorry, you are a great teacher, but I am impossible".

"Of course you aren't.. you just need more.. training". I tell her. Mostly because I like for us to continue playing. It gives something to talk about. Something were I don't feel stupid. "Let's try again".

This time I try leaning in and help her, but it is not really easy as her arm is in the way.

When she dies again and get up, I think she is done and I feel disappointed. But then she stops in front of me. "Spread Your legs". I might be looking at her rather wide eyed and she giggles. "So I can sit in front of you, It'll work much better".

"Oh.. sure". I quickly unfold my legs and she sits down in front of me. Making me breathe in deeply.

"Come on, show me again". She say, taking the controller.

I very carefully lean closer placing my arms around her to place my hands on top of hers on the controller. Her hair smells faintly of honey and strawberries. "Okay, let's try like this then".

I try not to let my arms touch her, but soon I forget. We are having fun, laughing and playing. And I forget about being awkward. My arms around her, my hands covering hers.

As we die very spectacularly she laughs so hard that she leans back against me and the side of her breast brushes against my arm, making me gasp out loud. Oh no, thing about boring things Zac, you can't get an erection now, with her sitting there.

Damn I thought I had grown out of such embarrassing things happening, but apparently not. I just hope she won't feel it, because then I would surely die.

"So Angel are you..". Shekinah stops in the door on her way in. "Oh I see you two got pretty.. cosy.. Angel Your time to shower".

She quickly get up, her backside brushing my crotch and I almost makes a very undignified sound. Luckily she don't seem to notice. "Okay, I'll be quick".

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