I give him some milk and make my fajita. When we all finish it's 7 so josh has 30 more minutes before we had to get ready for bedtime. So I let him watch a kids show about letters and numbers and shit like that. As long gas it can help with learning I'm fine with the show. But if it spongebob then hell no. And yes spongebob is still around.

When the show was done we went upstairs and into the bathroom so he could have a bath. When he was done I helped him dry himself and he changed I to race car pajamas. We went into his room that Jack and I painted dark blue last year which is what he asked for. But I decided to artsy it up and I some colorful balloons in some places. Which he absolutely loves.

I told him a bedtime story that I remember my parents telling me about space when I was little. I remember it because it was the last story that my mom ever told me.

He fell asleep near the end so I kissed his forehead and waked out turning the lights off completely and closing the door.

I sigh and head to my room and change into my pajama shorts and tank top.

I then walk downstairs and sit on the couch next to Jack who is wearing nothing but a pair of pajama pants. I curl up into him and he wraps an arm around me pulling me closer.

We sit silently watching whatever new show is on. After a couple episodes I fall asleep on Jack.

The next morning I wake up in my bed and look over to my clock. It read 9:16. Well at least it's a Sunday and I don't have to work today.

I work at a small pottery painting shop next to a Starbucks and a Panera. So basically I work next to a white girl zoo.

But the shop gets plenty of people coming in. Plus I still sell my art but I do it online. But I will still do a live auction sometime here and there.

Anyways I get up careful not to wake Jack. And I go to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I don't take a shower since I'm going on a run. But I brush my teeth and I style my hair into a high ponytail. I then put on a sports bra and running shorts.

I walk downstairs and go to the kitchen and grab a protein bar. I then find my running shoes, put them on go on my 25 mile run. And I know it's a lot but I'm practicing for the ironman triathlon. Or in this case, the irongirl

triathlon because it's only for girls 18 year olds and up.

But it's all for charity and the winner gets $1,000 for either their specific charity. Or they can spread out their money to different organizations.

When I finish the run I do 50 mile bike ride and when I'm done with that I do a 10 mile swim.

The amount that I'm doing is not the amount that I have to do. It's just what I want to do because I have to work hard.

When I come home I wake up Josh and we make pancakes and orange juice for Jack, or daddy.

We quietly walk into my room and wake Jack up and give him the food and he was still only half awake so he just have us a smile and started eating.

I then tell Jack to let josh have some and I go take my shower.

I us my coconut conditioner because it's actually good for your hair. I clean myself and wrap a towel around myself. I then mentally curse at myself for not bringing a clean pair of clothes in with me.

So I check to see if Jack and Josh are still out their and luckily they aren't so I quickly run out and run into my walk in closet and choose out a pair of clothes to wear.

I decide with jean shorts that aren't to short and a black v-neck that says 'FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia' I had watched most of the German games and I'm so happy that they won the finals again this year.

I had even made a little Thomas Muller bobble head at the pottery shop and I wore my lucky Manuel Neuer jersey that I've had for 7 years.

If you haven't noticed I'm obsessed.

Yeah so... I went downstairs and saw Josh playing with his race cars. And Josh on his phone probably looking at a text or email.

I sit down at the table waiting for something to happen or for someone to say something. But everyone just continues what they're doing.

"Who wants to go to the park?" I suggest. Standing up and closing my hands.

"I do mommy!" Josh says running over to me and completely forgetting about his cars.

"Ok, and what about you daddy? Are you coming also?" I say turning towards Jack. Who was still on his phone.

"Yeah sure, that sounds fun. And I don't have training today." And again he's still on his phone. My god! What so important that he can't look up to talk to his mate and pup?

Ok then let's get shoes and leave.

Josh runs over to his shoes and starts trying to put them on but they have laces and he can't really tie them.

I go over and help him after I put on my black vans and Jack changes quickly upstairs and he puts on his black vans.

We all got into Jack's jeep and I buckled josh into his car seat. Then got into the passengers seat next to Jack who actually put his phone down.

Ok so after the full day of going to the park we also fed the ducks and walked over to Starbucks even though I really didn't want to because there would be so many white girls.

But we went anyways and because I'm a fucking retard I got a hot chocolate even though it's 85* degrees outside. But like I said, I'm a fucking retard.

Jack got a frappe or some shit like that. And we just got josh a milkshake because he doesn't need any coffee.

When we all finished we went back home and watched lilo and stitch because my child must watch at least some of the Disney classics.

We went to bed after watching the movie and did all of the bedtime stuff. But this time after getting josh to sleep I went straight to my bed and went to sleep also.


Hey guys!!!

So I hope u liked this chapter and so I'm not sure what I'm gunna do next with my story so I will update soon after with what I might do because I really want to start making a new book.

This whole story was really just a practice story for me at first, then I started getting a lot of reads and votes and it actually started to be something more so thank u guys!

Ok so yeah, I'll tell u guys what I'm probably doing soon.


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