Just a Cold Part Three

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Hello everyone! I do hope you enjoy this chapter. 

Kanan POV

I sighed watching the doors close with my son on the other side. Turning back to the waiting room, I took note of the different people. Mostly humans sat waiting for help but their was a few twi'lecks, rodians, and several other species. Sitting down, I didn't notice how some of them gave me strange looks. I didn't even notice when Hera sat down by my side.

"Kanan," she hissed.

I jumped before turning to look at her.

"Hera? Where's the others?"

"On the ship, worried. Have you heard anything? What's going on?"

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly running and hand over my hair.

"They just took him back. He's scared and I can't be there. I'm driving myself crazy thinking that something is going to happen."

Hera put a hand on my shoulder giving me a comforting squeeze.

"You were so calm and collected earlier."

"Yeah but I was trying to be brave for Ezra. Now, he's there and Im not, so yeah, I'm a bundle of nerves."

She smiled and took my hand.

"Don't worry Hun, Ezra's a strong boy. He'll be alright."

I sighed and sat back slipping into a light meditation.

A little while later I was jarred out my thoughts. I glanced to the side to see Hera staring at me slightly worried.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I need to go check on the ship, please let me know if the doctor comes out while I'm gone."

I nodded and she walked outside. Rubbing my eyes I looked around to see that most of the room had cleared out except for an older gentle man across from me and a small family on the far end of the room.

"You seem perfectly fine, to be in a place like this."
I jumped when the old man started talking.

"Excuse me"

"Sorry," he chuckled. "I just can't imagine that someone that seems like he is perfectly healthy would be waiting in an emergency room."

I eyed the man for a moment not sure what to think of him.

"No worries friend," he said holding up a hand. "Just trying to make small talk. You look a little bit lonely."

"Sorry, I guess I'm just a bit worried," I apologized rubbing the back of my neck.

He chuckled at that.

"I understand. I had to bring my granddaughter in for a broken leg. Poor thing is awful scarred. They had to do a quick surgery to repair it, made me wait out here. So, what brings you here?"

"My son had to have emergency surgery," I said sitting back.

"How old is he?"


"Poor kid," his face softened. "Let me guess, appendicitis?"

I nodded my head taking a deep breath.

"He was terrified when they wouldn't let me back, now I'm having to wait."

The old man smiled in understanding. We talked for a few minutes longer when Hera came back looking slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong?" I asked waving as the old man got up to speak with the doctor.

"Zeb and Chopper," she muttered rolling her eyes.

Star Wars Rebels Short Stories.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon