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"Art is like Religion"

It wasn't a funny feeling waking up all sore. As if she had been beaten up the night before.

As Isabelle woke up, groaning slightly, the only thought that passed through her head was of what kind of people she was connected to.

The same moment that thought casually passed through her head, she sat up with a frown in her face.

"Huh" Isabelle murmured, blinking tiredly. "How easily I accepted that part"

It was true. The moment Will told her that they both were connected to each other and seven other people, it was like a switch in her panicked mind. Sure, she still freaked out and went to get high with her best friend but she kinda accepted that part.

She was also very certain, in her moment of highness, she met another of them. They didn't speak, simply acknowledged their presence before they fell asleep.

She had been curious, knowing who everyone was.

Now, as she stretched her sore body after taking a shower, she wasn't that curious anymore.

It was still crazy how she knew Will, through his own mind helped save Nomi. Nomi who had almost been lobotomized if it hadn't been for him and apparently her girlfriend.

She was still freaking out about that part when Will showed up to tell her that Nomi was somewhat safe.


It was safe to say that Will noticed how unsettled Isabelle looked when he showed up to her room (it was getting easier visiting the others, at least the ones he'd already met).

She didn't look calm as she told him to leave and he knew that because he could feel the anxiety running down his own veins as if it was his own despite feeling calm about the situation. He wanted to help but he was unable to because his presence was the actual trigger of her anxiety.


Emotions were a pain in the ass.

Specially when Isabelle realized a lot of them weren't even her own. She didn't know how to explain that to her brother who was doing his college homework.

Caleb was one of the few students who preferred staying home instead of living on campus. He was lucky to be so smart to get into his college of choice. UCLA wasn't exactly an Ivy League School but it was close enough for him to apply.

Caleb loved his family and he really didn't want to leave his mother and sister alone.

Hence why, as he worked on his essay, he couldn't help but get distracted by his pacing sister.

"Enough" Caleb sighed, leaning back from his laptop to direct his attention to Isabelle. "Spill. You only get like this when there's something on your mind that you can't comprehend"

"I'm crazy" Isabelle turned to her brother, raising her arms in a helpless gesture. Caleb snorted. "I am. Serious to God. I think I'm hallucinating. Seeing and hearing things"

"And sometimes you talk to thin air" Caleb remarked, unhelpfully. His amusement died when he noticed his quip was taken seriously as his sister ran a hand through her hair, nodding sadly in what seemed agreement. "I was... Joking"

"Well, I'm not-" Isabelle began, feeling a wave of sadness pass through her. "Also, feeling things that don't belong to me"

Caleb watched her in worry, "Slow down. You're not crazy"

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