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Isabelle and her brother were watching a movie this time.

However, she couldn't concentrate as she kept listening to commentary and shouting.

"Everything is too loud" Isabelle complained through gritted teeth, crossing her arms.

Caleb scoffed, putting pause to the movie, "You're the one to tell me to raise the volume a couple of seconds ago"

"It's the hallucinations" Isabelle groaned, uncrossing her arms and placing her hands to her ears.

Despite of Caleb pausing the movie, the loud cheering and the constant chattering was still pounding in her head.

While Caleb worried, he couldn't help but feel curious. Not every day you watched your sibling do things you've never seen them do before nor speak languages they've never spoken before.

"So, who is it this time?" Caleb asked.

Isabelle dropped her arms, looking at him incredulously, "What?"

"You mentioned the Chicago cop" Caleb listed, "The blonde who needed help. The Spanish actor. The Indian woman"

"Will, Nomi, Lito" Isabelle corrected without thinking, "And Kala. I think"

Caleb raised his eyebrows, "You even gave them names. Cute. So who are you seeing right now?"

Isabella frowned at him disapprovingly before looking around, barely blinking at the change of scenario, seeing herself sitting next to Lito.

"Where am I?" Isabella questioned the man next to her.

"Mexico City" Lito answered, smiling. He then looked around to see a young guy sitting next to him. He was in a bedroom with a paused TV in a movie. "You?"

"California" Isabelle answered, turning her attention to the wrestling match in from of them, tuning into the explanation of the man next to Lito.

"...La parca negra is a symbol. He is the devil in our lives. For some, he can represent the government, the class system or any form of oppression. But for most of us, he is that fear we're afraid to face" the wrestling in front of her suddenly turned interesting as he yelled, "Come on!" everyone standing in offense, "Come on!"

Lito sounded amused, turning mostly to Dani but also speaking to the American girl next to him, "You will discover that Hernando thinks a lot about everything" he smiled as Dani turned to him, "That's what I love about him"

"Yes, you do" Isabelle murmured as she looked up at Hernando with confusion. There was a rare sensation bubbling in her chest as she watched him. Was that love?

Lito turned to Isabelle, offering her popcorn.

"This is weird for you too, isn't it?" Isabella questioned, accepting some and eating it.

"It is" Lito answered, knowing that all the noise would cover the conversation with who he was getting the feeling wasn't really there with him. "You're not first foreign woman I meet out of nowhere"

Isabelle hummed.

"I love art, all kinds of art" Hernando speaking got both of their attention again. "I mean, this is a dance that is also a fight. The struggle that takes place in the ring is a reflection of the struggle that takes place in our minds and in our hearts. At some point, we all encounter our own parca negra. He is that thing we are afraid of, that thing that stops us from becoming what we know we can become. Until we defeat him, we will never know peace"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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