"You are like a magnet Elise. Where ever you go, you will always attract the lost, and they will shine while in your light. He cares about you, yes. He tolerates your brother, yes. Your parents are the closest he's ever come to knowing what parents should actually be, and yes, you are filling that void of family. That is all. His path in this life is a solo one." Portia shrugged.

"I want to change that!" He deserved more. "Your little fate, seer, thing isn't the be all and end all to our lives."

"Why? So everyone can experience the joy of having another person to answer and explain themselves to. Maybe he does long to have someone else to consider and try to keep happy and alive, as well as himself. I mean, look at you and Apollo." She stared me down, and I got her point. "Hashtag, couple goals."

"No need to be a bitch about it." The snark was just as strong in my tone as hers.

"Who wants a coffee?" Raya piped up, and then on the table, three cups appeared ready to go. "Ah, neat trick Elle?"

"Not me." I look at Portia who smirked. "Show off."

"I understand your good intentions towards the Slayer, but he is set in his ways and for his own reasons. I can see him straying from his own code, but it never ends well for him. By the time his age of passing arrives, he is content with the life he has lived. There won't be any regrets to burden him." Portia said softly, making Raya and I once again look at each other. "I'd focus on your Hunter friend. There is no average Joe, but she will soon meet someone."

"She will?" Raya asked, enthralled if not nervous about hearing more.

"Oh yes. Soul mates do exist, don't they little one. Your Mummy should know." Portia bopped Olivia on the nose as Raya's jaw dropped. "This girl talk thing is quite fun. I understand it now, Elise."

If her girl talk involved dropping some truth bombs, how about a few regarding her couple goals dig?

Instead, my phone lit up on the table and reaching over, it was Ivy's name who greeted me. For a second I had hoped that fate, or whatever else had a sway in what we did, despite my refusing to accept it and mistrust of the creature having coffee with us like we were all old friends and this was completely normal, decided to play nice with me and it be Apollo who broke our two weeks long silence first.

Unsurprisingly she was having a gathering at the dark fae's home, of which I was invited to. The invites were daily. Every night they seemed to be having some kind of party or celebration. The first couple were fun, then it just felt wrong. The joy I used to feel visiting the coven was gone, as while those that remained from when Hazel had been their high priestess held no grudges, I did. Being back where I had been the reason my friends had died wasn't the place you'd want to go back to and party. Plus, the few times I had drunk just that little bit too much, I found myself hallucinating Hazel following me around and she didn't look happy.

"What's wrong?" Raya asked, and I felt the wet on my cheeks that I quickly wiped away.

Hunter: EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now