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I walked through the hallways, my head down. I didn't want anyone to see my red face. I felt someone grab my arm and pull me to the side. When I looked up, it was Noah. He dragged me into a closet full of cleaning supplies, making the entire closet reek of bleach. "What?" I said, scared.

"I saw you. Talking to her." Noah whispered, angry.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said, staring him in the eye.

"I saw you talking to her. You defied my orders. I was very clear, wasn't I honey?" Noah said. I nodded. "You do remember my deal, right? The most recent one." I nodded, looking down. "Look at me." He spoke harshly. "I'm going to give you one more chance, okay?" He said in a nice voice. I nodded. "Okay. I'm walking you to your next class. It's P.E, right?" I nodded. We walked out. He grabbed my arm, basically dragging me across campus to the gym building. When we got there, he didn't kiss me but walked in the opposite direction his class was in. I went to the teacher, telling him I didn't feel well today and I couldn't participate. He nodded, letting me sit on the bleachers for the class.

I leaned against the wall, wanting to fade away and never come back. "Brooke!" I heard someone say in front of me. I looked up. It was Alex. I looked around. Oliver wasn't around. I guess he was absent. I looked at Alex. "Hey! I haven't spoken to you in forever, how's it going?" Bad.

"Good, I guess. You?"

"Pretty good," Alex spoke like he didn't know what happened between me and Phoebe. Did she tell him or was he left to assume? "Why do you hang out with Noah? He's a jerk, you really shouldn't be near him." Too late to tell me that, Alex. I laughed. Alex gave me a confused look. "Look, I don't know what happened between Phoebe and you exactly, but I know it's happened since you started hanging out with Noah."

"Yeah, I know, okay? Can you go away?" I didn't want Noah to find out I was talking to Phoebe's friend. He has friends in this class who were looking at me currently. He raised an eyebrow. "Seriously, I don't feel good. Just go away. And when you see Phoebe next, tell her I said I'm sorry." I said, then went back to staring at the stolen converse I wore. I heard Alex walk away. I sighed. My whole body hurt from not being in the ocean. I wish I was human-born, so I wouldn't be hurting. I rubbed my leg. Everyone went to go change back into their everyday clothes and I took this time to sneak out. I grabbed my bag and ran outside and off the campus. I ran all the way to the beach, never stopping when my dumb mermaid pains would figuratively stab me.

I took off my bag and Noah's cologne scented jacket. Jumping into the water, all of the pain dissolved. My legs transformed and for a moment everything was happy. Until I realized that I hadn't talked to Evian in a long time. She's alone and I forgot about her. Oh, gods, I'm a terrible girl. I swam down, as far as I could go. I shouted for her. Evian! You there?

Shh. I heard. I turned around. Hiding behind coral, I saw Evian. They'll hear. She motioned me to her. I swam behind the coral, watching what was happening. Two male sirens were seemingly patrolling the area. They appeared to have weapons. Fear rushed through me.

Sirens? What are they doing over here? This is mermaid territory and they know that! I whispered. Evian nodded in agreement.

Ever since the fall of the queen, more and more sirens have visited more often. Where have you been? I thought they got you. I shook my head.

Crap's been going on up there. And it appears things are going on down here too. I'm so sorry I left you alone here. I didn't mean to. I totally forgot. That made it sound worse.

Evian shrugged. By the way, a boy with a green tail came by asking for you. I don't know who he is, but I didn't tell him about you. I didn't know if he was a siren or not.

Jamie? I thought he had died... If you see him again, tell him I'm up there, okay? Evian and I watched the sirens until they had passed through. Once they were gone, I took a breath of relief. Thank the gods. I turned to Evian. Anything more recent that's happened? She shook her head. Any problems finding food? Or shelter? Evian hesitantly shook her head.

I've been too scared to get food other days, but sometimes the sirens will leave a lot of food here, so I just go and steal it. I frowned but was still glad that at least she was able to get food. After a while of making sure the child was okay, I decided to swim back to the shore. I smiled, finally feeling happy.

Meet me here again tomorrow, okay? Evian nodded, swimming away. I swam to the shore. Once I had transformed back, I ran back to Phoebe's house. The streets were busier and I knew that meant school was out. Had I really spent that much time there? I shrugged it off, opening the door of her house. I went up to the bedroom, sitting on the bed. I stared at her ceiling. It reminded me when I first came up here. Up to the land. The first time I met Phoebe.

I heard the door shut downstairs and footsteps slowly coming up the stairs. I repositioned myself on the bed to look like I had been there for a while. When Phoebe came in, she looked at me with sad eyes, then turned away. Did I do something again? Oh, gods, what did I do? She set her bag down, climbing up to the top bunk. "Sorry," I mumbled.

"Why?" Phoebe replied quietly. She sounded sad but tried to sound happy. I shrugged even though she can't see me.

"I probably did something again. Did I?" I asked.

"Its- No. You didn't do anything." I heard a sarcastic, quiet laugh from her. "Angel broke up with me." Her voice sounded muffled as if she was either shoving her face in the pillow or burying her face in her hands. I felt guilty, even though I don't think that was my fault.

"I'm so sorry. Did she tell you why?" I asked, looking at the bottom of the top bunk above me. It's easier to talk to her if I act like I'm looking at her. Looking at her is hard.

"Yeah," I could hear the sadness in her voice. My chest hurt. I hated when she was sad. I hated myself for making her sad. I knew she didn't want to tell me, so I didn't push any further.

"Do," I started. "Do you need a hug?" She didn't respond, just climbed down from the ladder and sat down on the opposite side of my bed. I crawled over to her, hugging her.

"It hurts so much more than I thought it would." Phoebe's voice was faint. She sounded like she was crying. She buried her head in my shoulder. I hugged her, telling her it's okay. I didn't know how to comfort her, so I just let her cry and scream to me. I feel bad. At the same time, I'm glad.


(..- .... / .. -- / -. --- - / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- / ..-. --- .-. / - .... . / - .-- . -. - -.-- -....- ..-. .. ..-. - .... / -.-. .... .- .--. - . .-. .-.-.- / .-.. .. -.- . / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / --. --- -. -. .- / .... .- - . / -- . --..-- / -... ..- - / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -.-. .- .-. . / ... --- / -... -.-- . .-.-.- <3)

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