Chapter 7

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AN: Now we will see more shipping sisters and maybe more black siren

Couch: Sara Oliver Kara Alura

Loveseat:Roy Mia Thea (Mia is in thea's lap)

Couch: William Ruby Sam Lena

Couch: Alex Samantha felicity

Couch: slade Malcolm black siren

Loveseat:laurel Nora

Couch: Rene Curtis Dinah

Arm chairs:John and Quentin (are in separate ones)

This will be explained later

"OK, what the hell are you doing?" Thea demanded when she and Oliver were alone.

"Straight to the point aren't you, no thank you for rescuing me," black siren said.

"If she ever said that I would probably die from shock."

"What do you mean?" Oliver frowned.

"I mean Slade Wilson and Malcolm Merlyn!"

"Thea," Oliver groaned.

"No," Thea pointed back in their direction. "We are orphans because of those two!"

"You know what I'm up against here," Oliver told her.

"Yeah, so why are you sending Curtis and I away?" Thea folded her arms.

"Because I need the two of you to keep Felicity and Samantha safe. We need to get them off of the island."

"OK, Curtis can handle it," Thea nodded. "Or send Kara with them. They wouldn't be safer with anyone else."

"I'll be sending Kara with Malcolm anyway," Oliver informed her. "The less Chase knows about her, the bigger the surprise will be when I call her back. Look, Thea, I can understand if you don't want to go with Malcolm - "

"Damn right I don't!"

"I would say something but you have a valid reason," Malcolm said.

"You realise in saying that you are saying something, right, and you don't get to say anything I have every right to judge you and not want to go anywhere with you," Thea said.

"And I do not want to rely on Slade Wilson," Oliver continued. "There's nothing about the situation that's ideal, Thea. That's why, when I called for help and Barry and Sara and the Legends couldn't help, I turned to Kara. With her, I have a chance. But if this isn't played right, Thea . . . " He left the thought hanging and saw her deflate slightly. "I need your help, Speedy,
and this is how you help me."

Thea texted to Alex "he's saying that without Kara he won't be able to win basically he likes her enough to rest his family's survival on her succeeding SO CUTE ? ゚リト

Alex texted back with oh my god I see that now, you're right so cute, do you think he likes her?

Thea texted yes but he has to get over felicity first and that my take awhile.

Alex looked at it confused felicity, the blond lady that seems to have no interest in Oliver right now. She's been kind of quiet

Thea texted back yeah being quiet is unlike her I think she suspects what we suspect you know he likes her. I like her just fine just not with my brother, they were not well together, I would like your sister with my brother more I think, just because it would make him happy. Now do you think we should approach felicity during the break?

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