Chapter 1: The Gift

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A young petite girl with long, wavy, shiny black hair with dark blue streaks, dark blue eyes, white skin, and freckles was walking outside of the school gates, instrument case in hand, with her best  friend, for the friend had said that she had a present, in return for the present that the petite girl had given to her the week before.

This girl's name is Hoshiko Miyako, and her hobbies are drawing, reading fanfics, and anime. Her friend's name is Melody Quazi.

    Melody has long, wavy, black hair that reached to her thies, had sun kissed skin, total opposite of Hoshiko, her eyes were piercing violet, and she wore glasses that were pink with flowers on the legs. She is taller than Hoshiko by half a head or more, even though that Hoshiko said that she would get taller than her one day.

    "You really didn't have to give me a gift Melody," Hoshiko said, as she tried to reason her friend not to give her a gift in return, noting that it was because she had forgotten her birthday.

They had just become friends recently, so you can't possibly blame her, she didn't even known it was her birthday until later on that day.

"It's the least I can do repay you," replied Melody, as they continued their way out of the school.

"Hey guys!! Wait for me!" they heard a young male voice call out to them. They turned around to see their other friend, Matthew Perrimon.

While Melody smiled towards the young boy, Hoshiko blushed lightly and smiled as well.

Matthew was the tallest between the trio, being a head taller than Melody, meaning being an entire head and a half taller than Hoshiko. He was basically the California dream boy.

He has sandy brown-blonde hair, not to long, but long enough to be put into a small ponytail, a lot of noticeable freckles, the perfect shade of tan, not to dark and not to light, and the color that would shock you the most, bright green eyes.

He was popular, but he spends more time with Melody and Hoshiko instead of being with everyone else.

"Hey Matt! How was school?" Melody asked Matthew, when Matthew had finally caught up the two females. Before Matt respond, Melody teased, "And don't tell me you died in class," as they continued down the path to the nearby food court, where they would usually hang out until evening, they would go to the library that was nearby the food court to do homework.

"I wasn't going to say that," he stated, looking at her like he was offended, " I actually was having a great day today and I didn't die of boredom," he stated with a grin so proudly, you could basically see the chibi sparkling stars around him.

"For me, I died of boredom in advance math," Hoshiko stated, then they both looked at her questionably. She noticed this and continued. "The sub doesn't teach us anything, just shows us how to do it and expects us to get it right the first time." She dropped her head in embarrassment and shame.

"It's alright Hoshi," Melody stated, as she finally remembered what she was giving Hoshiko."By the way... Here's your gift that I promised you!" Melody exclaimed, as she held out a book, or rather, a japanese manga.

The group of friend are big anime and manga fans, Matthew being a normal fan, while Melody goes full on gay shipping mode when she sees one, even in cartoons.

Hoshiko was mostly a shipping fan, she would go on full on shipping mode if she saw something that is shipping material, in any type of show.

Hoshikos' mouth went a gape as she saw the cover of the manga, stars in her eyes.

It was the first volume of the manga series Boku No Hero Academia by Kohei Hirikoshi, it was the groups favorite manga or anime series.

"OMG," Hoshiko says, as she slowly takes the book from her hands."It's the first volume of my hero academia!!" she exclaimed, as she jumped at Melody and hugged her."Thank you so much!!"

"You are welcome," Melody says, as Hoshiko immediately started filpping through the manga.

Throughout the book, Hoshiko made comments.

She checked Midoriya's profile and mumbled,"I didn't know Midoriya was so.... short.."

Matthew scoffed, smirked, and replied,"Your the one to talk Hoshiko."

Hoshiko averted her eyes from the manga, tilted her head back to stare at his face and pouted, puffing our her cheeks in annoyance.

Melody looked back at them and replied with a smug grin,"Stop flirting with her Matt, or you two might end up together."

The two stopped and looked at her.

A few moments passed in silence when the duos faces erupted with red.

Hoshiko's face was as red as a tomato, while Matthew's looked away from both of them.

"Shut up Melody," Hoshiko mumbled, as she looked at the manga again to get away from the situation.

Another time, Hoshiko yelled out unexpectedly,"FUCK YOU TOO BITCHAGOU!!" Then she stuck out the middle finger at the manga page.

Her two friends jumped at her outburst and sweat dropped at her lack at clean words towards the fictional character.

Before the group got the food court, Hoshiko stopped, smiled and asked them, "What did All Might say to Midoriya after he saved Katsuki?"

Melody and Matthew looked at each other and grinned.

They all exclaimed together loudly in union,"Young man, you too can become a hero!"

The group laughed as the manga pages started to glow and the wind around them started to pick up, getting brighter and stronger by the second.

Hoshiko noticed and asked in a nervous voice,"Uhh, guys... Should the book be glowing?"

They all looked down with worry as the book continued to glow brighter. The wind whipped their hairs back and forth. Leafs were starting to spiral around them and the book pages started to flip back and fourth.

"Guys... What's going on?" Matthew asked with worry as it grew brighter.

They covered their eyes as the light blinded them.

And then, the light engulfed them.

The leafs and wind settled down.

And there was silence

March 24, 2018

Was the day that Matthew Pierrimon, Melody Quazi, and Hoshiko Miyako...

Disappeared without a trace.

A few weeks later, they were presumed dead, never found their bodies.

And everyone forgot them.


Word Count: 1117 words

Hey guys! Been a while since I've been writing, I have been reading a lot.

But it's nice to be back, this took a long time to finish.

I hope you enjoy this story! ☺️


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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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