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That was the only thing he could remember as he started to regain consciousness. He could hear a distant voice, but when he tried to answer his body just wouldn't move. He wasn't even sure that it wasn't just a dream. In fact, he didn't know where he was, even if there were some familiar noises; the running water of a nearby stream, the chirping of birds... Somehow he felt at home. He wanted to stay there, lying on a soft bed of grass he could feel through his fingertips, and if he was about to die, he didn't care.

It was the sudden cold of water splashing on his face what brought him back to his senses, somehow, the uncomfortable sensation dragging him out of the drowsiness that had kept him unable to move, and he opened his eyes slowly. The world seemed blurry around him, he felt sick. But as he fought to keep his eyes open, he spotted a figure next to him. He tried to reach for it, but he was too weak.

"Wh... Where... I...?"

As he attempted to speak, the world became black once again, his only hope slipping away from him... Or so he thought.

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