2. Speak Now

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This was it. The day that Darren marries someone that isn't Lauren Lopez. 

The emotion in the air was a mix of happiness and confusion.  Everyone thought that they would be the ones marrying each other, not one marrying someone else. Lauren was getting dressed at her shared apartment with Joey. 

Joey was already gone because he was one of Darren's best men. Julia and Jaime were on their way to pick her up from the apartment. Lauren was in the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. 

"It's going to be okay. You're fine", she constantly repeated to herself, as she waiting for the knock at the door. 

Suddenly, her wishes came true and Julia knocked on the door. 

"Thank god", Lauren whispered to herself as she rushed to the door. She opened it and revealed Julia and Jaime. 

"Hey guys", Lauren said, as she greeted them both with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. They both walked in and waited by the door. 

"Uhm. How are feeling", Jaime Lyn asked. They both knew how in love Darren and Lauren both were with each other. They knew how hard it was going to be for Lauren. 

"Well, the man I'm still in love with is marrying someone else but I mean other than that, I'm feeling pretty good", Lauren said, while fake smiling to the both of them. 

"Oh, honey. I'm so sorry", Julia said. "Do you wanna stay? You know you don't have to go", she continued. Lauren shook her head no. "As much as it hurts, I'm still best friends with him. I can't not go", Lauren said. 

Julia and Jaime both looked at her and Jaime spoke up, "Well, it starts in about an hour. You ready to go", she asked. 

Lauren grabbed her purse and walked to the door. "Alright, now or never", she said as she opened the door. 

They arrived at the venue and honestly, it was absolutely stunning. They all get out the car and Lauren walks to the aisle. Darren had told her that he wants everyone to be sitting in the front on his side of the aisle. Julia and Jaime go and mingle with other friends and family while Lauren sits and looks at the front. 

What if she did stand up? What if she found Darren and told him how much she wants to be with him? What if she spoke now? All these thoughts ran through her head as she could finally hear the organ start to play. 

Julia and Jaime make their way to the seats next to Lauren. Suddenly, the bridal and groom party start making their way to the front. 

Lauren catches eyes with Brian, Joey, Dylan, Joe, and Meredith and they all give her the same pity eyes. She looks down at her hands and they seem to be shaking. She looks to Julia. 

Lauren went to Julia's ear and whispered, "I'm going to do something that could either ruin my life or make it how I've always dreamed. I'm really scared but I think I have to do this. I have to know if he still loves me". 

Julia looked at Lauren with wide eyes. "Are you going to do what I think you're going to do?".

Lauren looked at her and nodded her head. Julia stared at her with the proudest smile. "Go get your man", she told Lauren. 

Lauren looked up to the front and she sees that Darren has made his way to the front already. He's looking around like he's trying to search for someone. She finally locks eyes with him and he seems a little sad. He looks away real quick as the bridal march comes on. 

Everyone stands. The doors in the back open and Mia is seen wearing the biggest gown. She looks like a princess. 

I catch a glance at Darren and he seems to be looking at me the whole time. He finally looks at Mia and of course, he smiles. It looks to be a fake smile. Mia makes her way to the front and Darren grabs her hands. 

They stand in front of the preacher. Everyone sits and I take a look at Julia. She gives me a thumbs up and I take a deep breath. 

I can't believe I'm about to do this. Really? Should I? Yes, Lauren. I have to. I need to at least know. 

I hear the preacher say, "Speak now or forever hold your peace". 

This is it.

She stands up with trembling hands. She can feel everyone's eyes on her from all directions. Confused and horrified looks. Lauren makes her way to the front, a little distance from them both. 

Mia is death glaring at her with every ounce of hate she has. Darren drops Mia's hands. 

"Okay. Uhm. Listen. I'm not the kind of girl that does something like this but, Darren. You know and all of our friends know. You shouldn't be marrying the wrong girl", Lauren said, with her head held high. 

Mia scoffs and looks at Darren. "Baby, can you please tell Lauren to leave or we will have the security handle her". Darren looks at Mia and looks at Lauren. Darren walks towards Lauren.

"Don't say yes, Darren. We can run away together or something. Whatever you want really. I know I'm rambling but I am still so deeply in love with you and I don't know if you feel the same way and if you don't then I can ju-", Lauren was suddenly cut off with Darren's lips on hers. 

They felt so familiar. Kind of like this is what Lauren has been missing for 7 whole years. She can finally breathe. 

They let go of each other and Darren says, "Yes. We can run away. I'll meet you outside in the front when I get out of this tux. I'm so glad you were here when they said speak now". 

They kissed one last time as Darren ran to the front. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I am deeply sorry that you had to drive all this way for a wedding that is not going to be happening. Mia, I am so sorry but I can't. Thank you all and good night", Darren said as he ran to Lauren and they ran out of the church, giggling and smiling. 

This was it. The day that Darren finally got back together with his soulmate, Lauren Lopez.  

hellooooo! how are you doing today, cutie pie. here is a new chapter. i don't think it's the best but i heard the song and i just had to write it. listen to speak now by taylor swift for the full experience!! 

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