Part 9

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Sector: Classified
Forsaken mobile HQ

Light drizzle poured over multiple ships as they're sailing near a gathering storm. Lay as the flagship is a very broad ships, with multiple weapon emplacement standing over it, and giant cargo load. The Floating Fortress class ship.

Inside the bridge, a man in mid 40s is smoking, as his eyes is fixed at the horizon. He still wore an army fatigue from the time he was a ranger. On top of it, he wears kind of sub armor, giving several protection in case of emergency. With that outfit, overgrown beard and nearly bald head, he doesn't seems to give much second glance from anyone. However, there's some kind of aura, that only some people could have the gut to look directly into him. Even several people trembled just upon hearing his name: Captain Harlock, the unspoken right hand of Admiral Dredge, leader of Forsaken faction, and also one of the greatest captain so far at the hand of forsaken faction.

"Captain Harlock? We got an emergency transmission from one of the new outpost at sector 76." Right behind him, stood a women in late 30s, with a olive drab tank top, covered in leather jacket. Her hand and neck is covered in tattoos, thought some of it is covered in her long fire red hair. On his hand lay a tablet, where the information of the transmission is being transcripted.

"Anything happened there, Zoe?" Harlock sighed, addressing Zoe Vasquez, the woman behind him. Thought not as well known as Harlock, Zoe is also one of the best Forsaken could offer. As one of the most trusted captain by Harlock, she has shown her skill multiple time as she sink numbers of draconian fleet and structures.

"They were attacked, however neither a skirmish nor a draconian raid, it's possiby from unknown faction, as they seemed to ignore any warning message sent, like to maintain radio silence. Outside of this information, there's nothing more as the last of the transmission said that they're defeated." Harlock knitted his eyebrows.

"Unknown faction? Defeating one of our outpost? Bring Calypso and her fleet to retake the outpost, however keep the invader alive. We might have a new recruit from there. You know the procedure, Zoe. This kind of problem doesn't need me to take the choice of what to do." However, Zoe's explanation doesn't end there.

"They're using Forsaken commissioned ships, sir." This time, it caught Harlock's full attention.

"Excuse me? Am I hearing it wrong? Forsaken ships, but unknown faction?" Zoe nodded in reply.

"Two skirmisher class and one marauder class ship." Harlock put his half burned cigarette down, and squished it. 

"Abort Calypso's order. I'll take care of this problem myself. Detach Hurricane, three stalker submarine and this flagship into a different fleet under my control." Harlock craked his knuckle.

"They're using Forsaken ships, which means they had to obey Forsaken rules. Violating it means they must face consequences..... as a defectors." And with that word hung in the air, and rage in Harlock's eye, the fleet depart, set sail into sector 76, meeting the source of the emergency transmission.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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