Part 6

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Video Diary of General Campbell, 12 November 2068        

We got some resistance there, thought now we had conquered the whole island. Things here are far more weird than things I had encountered before. Might be better for me to just send the memory copy here. Now watch and get surprised.

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"Flagship marauder calling in, status report." voice crackled from comms into universal frequency.
"This is skirmisher one reporting all clear."
"This is skirmisher two reporting all clear." I took the comms and starts commanding.
"Alright all ships, stay low stay clear and weapons ready. Expect anything happens from now on!" Chill ran in my spine. We're approaching at our highest that doesn't making loud noise that would blow our position to any hostiles. Well, after that weird message before, there's nothing wrong in being more careful, as we're now less than 10 miles, approaching the island in less than half hour.

"Sir? We got some strange visual." One of my man handed a binocular to me. Quickly I take it.
"The heck is that?" There, on the island, stood a big tower from concrete and steel, roughly 200 metres tall with something on its top, before finally realization strucks. 

"Heavy Howitzer! Full speed now! Raise the alarm!" In matter of seconds, the ship's crew gone into chaos, doing a full deck check, aiming the gun and raising the armor panel power, and coming into their prepared post.

"Sir! The Howitzer is aiming on us!" I gritted my teeth.
"Evasive maneuver, wiggling at 15 degrees!" Quickly, all the ship's starts to move in a zig-zag, trying to evade from hostile howitzer fire.

And with a loud PANG! The nightmare starts.

"Incoming!" Without any devensive system or advanced radar, detecting the trajectory of the Howitzer shell, any kind of over maneuver to done a real evade is useless.

"Luck seems to have sided with us for now." My second-in-command exhaled as the first fired shell missed skirmisher two by several meters.
"Thought I don't think so. Full speed! I don't care we're doing a stealth or not! We've been spotted, expect fatal hit from the Howitzer!" With a roar, all ship's lurched forward with their maximum speed.

Memory copy forced stop.
Error in memory reading occured.
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Well, my memory become hazzy after it. All I could remembered is skirmisher two was blowned up, before our weapon got in range and destroyed that howitzer tower. After that tower destroyed, the local island people come out and surrendered. I still can't identify who they are, thought I always wondering, about all this tech that I've never seen before. End video diary.

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