I'll Always Love You (Varuneeti)

Start from the beginning

The smile on his face faded away and his face turned cold.

"She died," he replied coldly.

I had nothing to say. I was speechless. Shraddha was a beautiful girl who Varun was smitten by in earlier years. He never knew the fact that I had a huge crush on him and still do. Those feelings refused to go away. After all these years, I met him again but he was broken and devasted with the death of Shraddha, the only girl he ever loved.

"I had no idea," my eyes looked into his. His eyes showed pain. They showed no longer, the friendliness and happiness they used to.

"How?" I never expected to an event like this to ever happen in Varun's life.

"It happened a year ago. Shraddha was on a ride, going to work." Varun's face was expression less. "A car, was speeding and was out of control crashed into her car. She died in hospital later that day. She never survived. The doctors tried to save her but she lost a lot of blood."

"Is that why you started to drink?" I said sofly.

Varun looked surprised but his breath was a strong smell of alcohol.

"Varun, losing someone close to us is always a terribe thing," I said softly. "I knew Shraddha too. She was pure and kind. She never deserved to live a short life. But she will hold a place in your heart forever."

"You always know how to make me feel better," Varun smiled weakly.

"We are best friends after all," I beamed.


Author POV

As months passed, Varun felt geniunely happy. With Pari by his side, he felt happier. She gave him happiness, which no one managed to give him in a year. But his heart still had the empty hole which Shraddha took along with her.

"Pappu," Pari hugged him from the behind. "So what's the terribly important thing you wanted to tell me."

Varun handed her Shraddha's diary. She skimmed through the pages.

"I don't understand," she looked at me blankly.

Varun opened a particular page.

Dear Diary,

I know this may seem crazy but I had a weird thought. What happens if I do die early? It's always good to be prepared. My bf, Varun, is the best. He doesn't deserve suffer from heartbreak. He deserves love from everyone around him.

But if anything ever happens, and I can't make it alive to help him and give him the love that he deserves. I have something to say. Varun, please move on with your life. I will be watching you. I will be with you. I will become part of you. Seeing you depressed, won't make me any happy. So please Varun, I will always love you but I want you to be happy.

This is my message. I have honestly no idea but I'll wrote it anyway.

Pari finished reading Shraddha's letter.

"She wants me to move on," Varun sighed.

"She wants you to be happy," Pari corrected him. "If you love her, then do what she said. She wants you to live your life."

"You make it sound so simple," Varun smiled sadly.

"Why can't it be?" Pari held Varun's hand and gave it a squeeze. "You know how to live your life. You know that you can do it again. Make Shraddha happy. But more importantly, make yourself happy."

Pari's words replayed in his head. She was right.

"Help me," Varun held Pari's hands. Pari felt herself heating up.

"I always will," Pari smiled. She knew she will get her best friend back to how he was before.


Varun POV

My life changed ever since Pari came. She gave me the happiness that only Shraddha managed to give me. I knew I had fallen for her.

"Pappu," she came and embraced me.

I held her tightly but let go of her.

"What's the very urgant thing you wanted to tell me..." Pari started.

I silenced her by putting a finger on my lips.

"Pari, I met you after many years. You gave me happiness. You taught me how to live again. I never thought I'll fall in love again but I did but this time with you. Will you continue to spend your life with me?" I held her hand tightly, afraid I'll lose her like I lost Shraddha and stared into her eyes.

Pari POV

Ever since we went to school, till today, I've wanted to hear those words from him.

"Yes," I replied tearfully. I wanted to cry with happiness. "I'll always love you."

The End💝

Your views on the Varuneeti Oneshot😁

My holidays have started💃💃💃 and I can update all my books regularly. Super excited for them.

Next oneshot is going to be released on Christmas. It will be a christmas special one.😁

I have released the sequel to You are Mine. It's called Meant to Be. Please do check it out.

Till then signing off
Mrs Hrithik Roshan
Tia ❤❤❤

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