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Josh stretched. He hadn't done much all day. He felt pretty alone, but it didn't bother him much.
He was openly pansexual to his sisters, Hannah and Beth. They were desperately trying to find friends and maybe something more for him on the internet. Which... he wasn't told about. God knows how many dating apps he was on. Beth was on omegle, talking with a guy.

Chris's POV

I was on omegle, skipping dicks and trying to have a decent conversation with someone. When she appears on the screen, she sees me and gasps. Wtf, am I famous?
"Hey. I'm going to get my brother, okay?" I nod awkwardly.
She goes off, and I hear a groan and "Beth, why?" "Cause you're lonely! Now get your ass in there and make a friend." I was (the camera, aka what I saw) layed down on a bed. I hear someone come into the room. A tan boy around my age picks up the phone and mutters a raspy "hey." "Hey" I said back checking him ou- wtf me I'm not gay(stop lying to yourself chris) I was seeing what he looked like.

"How are you?"he asks, playing with his hoodie strings. "I'm okay. How are you?" I say mindlessly, spacing out a lil. "I'm fine I guess." I snapped back into reality(oop there goes gravity). I smiled like a dork at him. "What's your name?" He asks, looking back to me. "I'm Chris." I smirk. "What's your name?" "I'm Josh. This is my sister's phone... so... let's talk here for a while. I'll type out my kik. Copy it, just in case we lose this chat, k?" "Sounds cool"
We started talking  at 6:54 pm...  and it is now almost eight.
Oh God I think I just met my bsf
Beth came in the room and wanted her phone back. "Text me on kik byeeee" said Josh as Beth pulled the phone from his fingers. I hear giggling and then Beth says bye. I wave and add Josh on kik.

Josh's POV

I went back to my room, almost on cue, my phone pinged.
Normally, I would've groaned and either ignored it or answered it later. But a nagging voice in my head told me to pick it up. And either way, Chris left me with a warm feeling inside. I was happy.
chrisiscold: hey, from omegle right?
jishwa: yep.
jishwa: my sister's begging for your kik
jishwa: sorry, i'm telling her
chrisiscold: i don't mind

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