"They've been combined into a single person!" Hermione shouted.

Slughorn looked up from his book, "Well yes. I do plan to test whatever traces of potion remain from their cauldron to be safe, but the potion we were brewing was one of the safer ones when it comes to misbrewing. It will be fine, and if it isn't, we can deal with the issue as it arises. I'll tell the Headmistress, you can go about your day."

Hermione grabbed her bag and Harry's, "Come on."

Ron followed after her, Harry-Draco following a few steps behind and Pansy and Blaise falling even further to the back.

"We're going to see Pomfrey," Hermione said as soon as they were far enough away.

Pansy rolled her eyes, "To what? Waste our time?"

"I think we need a professional opinion," Hermione said, "In fact, we should go to McGonagall ourselves, maybe go to St Mungo's."


Hermione spun around.

Harry-Draco put Draco's bag on his shoulder, "I want to go to lunch and- oh! I want to go flying! If I eat fast enough I could go out, do a few laps around the pitch!"

"You're not flying!" Hermione said.

Harry-Draco took Harry's bag from her and shrunk it down small enough to put in his other bag, "It's going to be brilliant," he said with a grin, hurrying down the hallway.

"Harry! Malfoy!" Hermione shouted as she ran after them, Ron and Pansy right on her heel. Blaise followed leisurely behind, looking quite amused.



"I hate this," Hermione groaned, her arms squeezing tightly around her waist.

Both her and Ron craned their heads back to watch their friend, half their friend, fly between the goal hoops as fast as his broom would go.

"What if the potion wears off while he's up there?" Hermione fretted.

"Slughorn said-"

"But he could be wrong! It's an incomplete interaction from an accidental potion explosion! It could fail at any moment."

"It could, I suppose," Ron said.

"And then they might fall-"

"So we'll catch them," Ron said, looking down at Hermione and holding up his wand.

Hermione's brow furrowed but she drew her wand as well, "....I hate this so much."

Ron put his arm around Hermione's shoulder, "Pretty amazing though. He's got Harry's skill and Malfoy's precision. He's the best flier I've ever seen."

"You would say that," Hermione said.

Ron shrugged and cast a fresh warming charm over the two of them.

Hermione sighed and leaned against his side.

Ten minutes later Harry-Draco landed, cheeks red from the cold, hopping off his broom with an exuberant laugh and running over to them. "I told you it would be brilliant!"

"I'm just glad its over with," Hermione said.

"I am definitely coming back after dinner," Harry-Draco nudged Ron, "You'll come too, yeah? Maybe we can pull together a quick game between both my houses."

"I mean that'd be great but Gryffindor and Slytherin?" Ron said shaking his head, "I mean I've got no problem but they probably won't-"

"Fantastic, I'll sort out the Slytherins you're in charge of Gryffindor!" Harry-Draco said, running over to the broomshed to put his broom away.

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