Say'n I Love You

978 14 4

Say’n I Love You

[Post CaiSi Wedding and before the New Year’s Eve meteor shower scene]

~ F3 hanging out at a coffee shop ~

MZ: I wonder how our newlyweds are doing with their honeymoon.
HZL: The usual.
MZ: It’s not them at all if they aren’t bickering. They’re a really weird couple.
XM: Well, maybe they’ll improve now that they’re married.
HZL: They should be. They’re made for each other.
MZ: I’m really so envious of Ah Si.
XM: Mei Zuo, just get over Caina and you won’t be so envious anymore.
MZ: Shut up! Just because you’re together now with Xiao You doesn’t mean you can tell me what to do.
XM: I’m not telling you what to do. It’s been months now. That’s quite a record for you already. I’m sure there’s another girl out there whom you can fall in love with.
HZL: Mei Zuo, for your happiness, I offer to lend a hand on you. Even those usual antics.
MZ: Really? I appreciate it a lot Lei. You’re my good friend after all.
HZL: No problem.
MZ: (looks at Xi Men) How about you?
XM: What about me?
MZ: Aren’t you gonna help me? You’re my best wing man.
XM: Are you trying to get me into trouble?
MZ: Xiao You will understand. She has a good temper unlike Shan Cai.
XM: She does have a good temper. I’m so lucky.
MZ: Then help me. Come out sometimes with me.
XM: Alright, alright. But I want to keep up my perfect boyfriend image. Make sure you don’t get me into trouble. I’m off limits now.
MZ: Wow! I thought it’s only Xiao You who’s so in love with you. It turns out you’re so in love with Xiao You too.
HZL: (looks at XM)
XM: I am. So what?
MZ: Nothing. You’re not so heartless after all.
XM: (ignores MZ)
HZL: Xi Men, you’ve liked Xiao You since our first encounter with her at the tea shop, right?
MZ: (looks at XM)
XM: Maybe.
MZ: I thought you were just casually flirting with her. I didn’t think you’d be so serious with her now.
XM: I like flirting with her. She’s cute. And she was flirting back at me. I didn’t see it coming that she’d fall in love with me. I certainly didn’t mean to fall in love with her too.
HZL: Didn’t you help her get over her ex-boyfriend back then?
XM: Ah Si and I did. That scumbag deserved to be taught a lesson. He was disrespectful of girls. Cute girls at that.
MZ: You’re such a hero, huh?
XM: I’m just naturally nice.
HZL: Xi Men, you’ve been a bad friend. Why did you never confide to us about your first love?
MZ: That’s right. We’re supposed to be your best friends.
XM: Okay, I’m sorry. In my own logic, by not telling any one of you I am not admitting my feelings towards Xiao Geng. You all know about my parents’ failed marriage. I didn’t want to get hurt as much as I didn’t want to hurt her.
MZ: And yet you call yourself a love expert.
XM: Hey! I know better than most of you and I understand women more than you do.
HZL: So, seeing Xiao Geng again, were you able to settle the matter with her?
XM: Yes, but not as I originally intended to. We’ve missed our “once in a lifetime” moment five years ago. After going back to the rooftop we’ve come to realize we can’t go back the same way we were in the past. We’ve changed so much in the last five years. We’re okay now and we have no regrets anymore.
HZL: Then congratulations for surpassing the test on true love.
XM: You think so?
HZL: Yes. Now all you have are good memories to remember her by.
XM: (nods in agreement)
MZ: Hearing that makes me envious again. (sighs) But I’d never thought you’d be with Xiao You now. Didn’t you say you’ll never be attracted to her or even be together with her?
XM: Don’t remind me of my foolishness.
MZ: You came to your senses then. Regardless, I think Xiao You would never stop chasing after you. She’s so devoted to you. But Xi Men, as you are my good friend, be careful. She’s still innocent and the best friend of Shan Cai.
XM: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?
MZ: You know what I mean.
XM: I know my limits. Besides, Xiao You is so different. I won’t do with Xiao You what I would normally do with the other girls.
MZ: Wow! I can’t believe what Mr. Playboy is saying right now.
XM: Better believe it. Isn’t this what you call ‘sacrifice’?
MZ: Don’t tell me you’ve truly fallen in love with her?
XM: I have. (his phone rings and he steps outside the cafe to answer it)
MZ: Are we still on with our bets?
HZL: I think I’ll probably win.
MZ: Five years til they’ll get married? I don’t think so.
HZL: And pregnant before or after they’re married? I don’t think so.
(Both look at each other)
MZ: I guess Ah Si will most likely win.
(Xi Men returns)
XM: Xiao You just finished her work. I’m leaving.
MZ: Fine. Go now. Be with your devoted girlfriend.
HZL: Don’t forget to be a perfect boyfriend.
XM: (stares down at his two friends) Something’s going on.
MZ: Nothing’s going on. Go!
XM: Bye! (leaves)


~ XM fetches XY from work ~

XY: You’re here.
XM: I came right away.
XY: Where were you earlier?
XM: I was hanging out with Mei Zuo and Lei.
XY: Are you still working on those incubator platform plans?
XM: Yes. There’s still so much to be done. That’s on top of my duties hosting tea ceremonies and my responsibilities at our company.
XY: You’re so busy. You shouldn’t have come to fetch me then.
XM: It’s alright. I wanted to see you anyway. I’ve missed you today.
XY: I miss you too.
XM: Let’s go. Are you hungry?
XY: Yes. We were awfully busy today so I didn’t have much to eat.
XM: Being a new store manager must be exhausting. You look tired.
XY: Just a little bit.
XM: We can skip dinner and just go straight to your house.
XY: No, it’s okay. I’m really hungry and I want to spend time with you tonight.
XM: Okay. Let’s eat.


~ After their dinner ~
XY: That was delicious. I’m so full.
XM: We still have dessert.
XY: I don’t think I can still eat.
(The waiter arrives with their dessert.)
Waiter: Excuse me Miss. “You’re Most Beautiful Tonight.”
(Xi Men smiles at Xiao You)
XY: Oh. (recalls the “shock treatment” date scene)
XM: Hurry. Open it.
XY: (looks/sounds worried) Xi Men…
XM: Trust me. You’ll really like it.
(Xiao You slowly opens the lid and finds written on the dessert the phrase “WO AI NI.” {I LOVE YOU})
XY: Xi Men…

(Waiter puts the dessert on the table and leaves

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(Waiter puts the dessert on the table and leaves.)
XM: (grabs Xiao You’s hand across the table) Now you can say that our feelings are true, Xiao You. I love you. [Wo ai ni.]
XY: (starts to cry happily) I love you too, Xi Men.


© Franzz P. Follow on Instagram @onceinalifetimearc2018
Date written: September ? & 23, December 14, 2018

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