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Several years before the invasion of Japan a baby girl was left of the doorstep of Ferid Bathory. 

"What do we do with this thing?" Ferid held the baby by the clothes and placed her on a chair. Lacus and Rene were quite interested in this thing they had only read about. 

"It's so small," said Lacus.

"And quiet," said Rene.

"I wonder who would knowingly leave a human with vampires" Ferid's head began to hurt from the thought.

"Just go to Krul," said Rene. "It's not like she'll care anyway."

Ferid, Rene, and Lacus walked down the hallway to Krul's throne room

Ten years later

"I wonder where she could have disappeared to again" Rene was 'supposed' to be watching Momo but as usual she wandered off on her own. Rene and Lacus usually watched her when Ferid was too busy and she liked to play hide and seek. Usually, they found her in side-streets or in crates and alleyways. But, Rene had been searching for an hour and began to get worried. It was even worse that Lacus had to accompany Ferid this time. If Ferid found out he lost her, he could kiss his life goodbye. 

Momo's POV

It's so fun teasing Rene. He acts so serious but he's really the opposite. The alleyways are kinda dark right now. My usual hiding spot is too scary for me to stay in for a while. In the distance, I hear laughter and see small cracks of light around a corner. Through a window, there is a pretty girl with brown hair in a long braid and two boys, one with blonde hair and one with black hair. They must be another vampires' children. 

3rd Person's POV

Yuu thought he felt someone looking at him and turned to look out the window only to see nothing. 'Must be me' he shook off the thought and continued to talk to Mika. Unbeknownst to all of them, Ferid and Lacus had just returned from their business. Ferid's first stop was to see Momo. He summoned Rene expecting Momo to be with him. 

"Where is she?" Ferid was pissed off that his defenseless child was somewhere out there waiting to become a snack to some sick vampire. As Rene tried to explain what happened Ferid just furrowed his eyebrows more and walked out the door. As Rene looked scared to death Lacus followed Ferid. He knew what would happen if Ferid didn't get his daughter back by the time morning came.

Ferid regretted not putting a tracker in her clothes. He'd never needed to she since she was always with either Rene or Lacus or himself. Throughout the night he searched in places that he knew she hid in during a game of hide and seek before. But, no luck.  Lacus and Rene were also searching but they couldn't find her either. They turned over every brick and Ferid was not too happy.

Meanwhile, Momo summoned up the courage to knock on the door of the house she saw Yuu in. Ayame answered the door with caution and after a small introduction, she let Momo into the house. Momo had never been around children because vampires tried as much as possible to not create more of their own kind. While Momo was talking and eating curry with everyone, Mika was having his blood drunk by Ferid.

"My my Mika come here" Ferid stood in a dark alleyway as Mika slowly approached him.

"Why did you tell me to meet you here and not at your castle?" Mika was planning to steal more weapons but now he couldn't.

"No reason" Ferid replied as he bit into Mika's neck more aggressively than usual. Mika didn't say anything more not wanting to accidentally trigger the psychopathic vampire. After Ferid's drink session he sent Mika on his way and continued to search for Momo.

Yuu's POV

I feel like I've seen this girl before but I can't remember from where. She gets along very well with everyone but her clothes look really clean. Maybe she's new. But, she acts so happy. She probably came with her own family so no one told her the rules about curfew and blood giving yet. The vampires will scare her tomorrow when they insert a needle into her neck. If only I could hide her, they might not have her in the system yet. I kind of want to protect her from the bloodsuckers. Mika and I have been planning an escape and it wouldn't hurt to bring her along too. I'll ask Mika when he returns. As thoughts run through my mind I can hear the door open.

"I'm home Yuu-chan" Mika says as he stumbles in. Usually, when he comes home after getting his blood drunk the teeth holes aren't visible. However, this time the holes are swollen and bruised. 

"What the hell" my voice is just barely audible.

"I guess Ferid was kinda upset today" Mika brushes it off like nothing, but I can tell it hurts. 

"There's someone who I think you'd like to meet" I motioning for Momo to stop hiding at the top of the stairs.

"Hi I'm Momo. Yuu's told me all about you. Nice to meet you" Momo said cheerfully and gave her hand for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too. My name is Mika. You could say I'm the father of our family and the girl with the braids, Ayame is the mom. All of us were from the same orphanage so we're a family. The lady who took care of us was our mom but she was old" Mika's voice started to fade towards the end. 

"I see. Well, at least you're all together" Momo tried to brighten the mood.

"Anyway, Yuu-chan, we're leaving this place right now. I've got a map. Momo-chan, wake up everyone please" Mika said with excitement. At last we're getting out of this hell-hole. We can survive and live. Just the thought of it made my blood rush. 

No one's POV

As Momo and the family began making their way through the side streets. Momo began questioning why they wanted to escape. She still thought that the vampires who raised her did nothing wrong and saved the children of the human world. From outside a window, Momo saw a clock and realized that she had been out for hours. 'Oh no, Ferid should be back by now and he's probably been looking for me for a while. Once he gets mad nothing can stop him.' 

"Hey Mika"

"Yeah?" Mika turns around.

"I need to go back" 

"Why? The gate's over there" Yuu points and the rest of the children nod. 

"I just need to go. I'm sorry" Momo tries to make a break for it, but Yuu grabs her arm. 

From a distance, Ferid watches with an emotionless face. As the children begin walking towards the portal Ferid appears behind them. "Come here Momo" Ferid sticks out her hand and she gladly takes it. 

"I'm sorry I went out for so long" Momo hugs Ferid smothering her face into his clothes. Ferid just strokes her head as tears were bursting from her eyes.

Yuu is too stunned to realize what happened and after noticing he no longer has her he tries to get her back. But, Ferid pushes him away and glares at Yuu, paralyzing him. Lacus guides Momo away and instructs him to take her home. 

"Why do they wanna go?" Momo looks at Lacus still with tears in her eyes.

"Ferid will explain this to you later, okay?" 

"Okay" Momo just turns a corner when she hears a thud and multiple screams.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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