um...I EAT YOU!!!

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So once a pond a time, in a far away land called Florida in a little red house near the sea shore lived a girl named, Squish De Lantis.

The most exotic creature through out the land,which every women envied cause of her malacrious and striking beauty.

Long brown curly hair,emerald green eyes and plump cherry red lips.

One day she walked out her house to just walked along the shore to feel the wet sand against the bottom of her feet.

The wind blew against her makeing her hair blow everywhere,she looked out to the ocean and saw a figure floating in the water.

"The fuck is that" she thought to her self

As the waves slowly brought the mysterious figure closer to the shore she realized that it was a body.She gasp in shock and ran towards it.

(AN- O.O i mean ho else would she feel? scuurred...shocked...mad that somebody was washing up on her beach!)

She stopped short and saw that it was man, and he was breathing....HE WAS ALIVE!

(AN- ...hes alive....yay  -.- )

She slowly and carfully walked up to him and admired his handsomeness/sexiiness,He pealed open his eyes slowly and stared at her  and his eyes grew wide and his legs turned into a tail....

she leaned down to admire him more,And then he did the unexpected.

He turned into a giant fish and swallowed her up whole...he jumped back into the water and got eaten by a whale.



well heres another story....since ya all complaining how fucked up my mind is i thought i should add more to it *shrugs* so.......yea


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2012 ⏰

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