Scarlet two

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Wolf is still sleeping as I'm making breakfast. But that's how it usually is. Last night I found out I'm pregnant. I told Winter when she got here, and I almost told Wolf. But I'll wait and see how he feels about kids before I tell him.

I take some waffles and eggs (and tomatoes) up to our room for Wolf. I walk in and see him still sleeping.

I get back under the blankets, facing him, and gently put my hand on his jaw. He groans softly as he starts to wake up.

"Morning." I say softly.

He smiles gently at me and kisses me.

"I brought some food. Hope you're hungry." I sit up and hold the plate on my lap as he sits up.

"Starving." He takes his plate and eats right away.

"You're worse than a pregnant woman." I laugh softly at my little hint which he doesn't pick up on.

"How so?"

"Well, they have to eat for two. Sometimes more...nevermind." he won't get it. "How'd you sleep?"

He shrugs. "Okay. You didn't let me cuddle you as much though."

"I needed some space. I was getting claustrophobic."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that happen."

"I know. And I love our cuddles. But space is nice too sometimes." Especially when your stomach is stretching to fit a baby.

There's some silence between our talking, but other than that, there's the sound of Wolf's fork scraping against the plate.

"Ze'ev?" I ask after a few minutes go by.


"Can I ask you something, like, really intense?"

"Go for it. What is it?"

" you want a family?"

"A family?"

I nod. "Like, ya know, kids?"

"Well I'd love that. But, could we? I mean, I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm kinda part wolf."

"I wouldn't think it'd change our kids too much, would it?"

"I don't know, Scar. Maybe now isn't the time for kids."

A jolt of hurt hits me in the heart.

"Why not?"

"Because what if we try too soon and I end up losing you? I can't afford that. Not after everything we've been through to be with each other. I think we just need to wait."

"But what if you don't lose me? What if I'm fine?"

"And what if we lose the baby and get told we can't have any more?"

"Well, what if the baby is fine too? Besides, what if I'm already pregnant?" I sit back a bit as I realized what words came out of my mouth.

I look at Wolf who's looking at me with a look I've never seen before. It's almost a mix of sadness, worry, anger, and happiness all in one.

"Well, are you?"

"Does it matter?" I get off the bed. "You seem to not want kids anyway."

I'm about to leave but feel Wolf grab my hand, gently.

"Well if you are, then I'd be excited. I just also have a ton of worries and fears of what could happen."

"Everyone does." I sigh softly.

"Even perfect people?"

"There's no such thing as perfect people, Wolf. No one's perfect. No matter who they are."

"I just really do not want to lose you."

"Who says you will?" I turn to face and take his other hand. "No one said I have to leave you. No one said I'll be taken from you. No one said I'll get hurt. All we can do is try and hope."

I look into his tearful eyes which makes me tear up a bit.

"This won't be easy. It never is. But I want to go through it. With you. Right by my side the whole time."

"The whole time?"

"Every second of it. I promise."

"...wait. So are you pregnant?"

"Is that okay if I am?"

He brushes by back and tucks it behind my ear. "It's more than okay."

"Well," I smile, "I am."

Wolf picks me in his arms and sound around. Once I'm back on my feet he kisses me, and not just one of our usual kisses, this one's with love, compassion, happiness, joy. A kiss I'll never forget.

At least he's mine forever. I'm happy for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2019 ⏰

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