Can't Remember What 95 and 24 are - NSFW

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 You tugged the leash in your hand, satisfied at the jingle the tags made as the man in front of you shifted forward from the tug. Obviously he didn't have to, the behemoth in front of you on all fours could easily resist and pull you across the room if he wanted to, but thankfully he was indulging your strange desire. You could consider yourself shocked, at first you hadn't expected him to accept when you had asked, hell you thought he would kill you for even suggesting something like you had but low and behold he just loves you so much.

So here you are, leash in hand and Jason on all fours in front of you and the last bit of this arrangement had you clenching everytime the image popped into your head and it popped in there quite often during this scenario. The most surprising part of the arrangement was that you had managed to convince the gentle giant to allow you to get a plug in his ass, on top of that it was one of those dog tail ones. It suited him so well, well to you, your precious giant, your sweet submissive puppy. The thought of the plug had you almost shuddering, putting in it had been enjoyable and you were sure Jason had felt the same. You had never rimmed someone but the embarrassment and shifts Jason made while you prepared him for the plug had you once again clenching, one clear bead of liquid squeezing out of your glistening sex.

Your eyes found his in all his unmasked glory, how you loved his face, how you loved him. You easily considered yourself the luckiest girl in the world as he met your gaze only to quickly glance down. You smiled slyly and you could feel him shudder as you wrapped the leash around your hand one more time and tightened your grip. He broke a rule, good puppies keep their eyes on the ground, good puppies listened well and he knew it.

"I think I'll let that go this time, but the next time I catch you breaking rules I won't be so kind."

You watched as Jason shifted and you were sure if your sweetheart talked or made noise he'd be whining, but in shame or arousal would be the puzzle.

"I think you should make it up to me, hm?"

He took a moment to answer, quickly nodding when you gave him another tug. Your smile which had removed itself from your mouth when he had taken longer to answer then he should have returned to your face but this time it was gentle. "Then come here, show me how sorry you are and I might give you another reward."   

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