J-hope- Happy Birthday

Start from the beginning

"Yes sorry Hobi I won't be able to be with you for your birthday tomorrow I'll celebrate with you another time" you said pulling him into a hug. He nodded and headed upstairs to take a shower and yoongi walked back into the room after the phone call with PD nim.

"He said he doesn't care if we use the set but instead of taking it all out why don't we just use the karaoke room for the party cause that would make sense" Yoongi said in a duh tone.

"Okay that makes things a lot better there's a kitchen at the company too and Yoongi and Jimin you guys will pick Hobi up and take him to the company so we can surprise him" you said cheerfully bouncing. 

"He's gonna complain and my ears will hurt y/nnnnnn please don't make me go with him" Jimin whined and fake cried but you just laughed and you shrugged your shoulders.


It was the morning of Hobi's birthday and the rest of the guys were woke and downstairs ready to go. You crept into Hobi room to see if he was woke or still sleeping and he was with a cute little snore, you walked in and squatted beside his bed and gently rubbed his head. He would always ask you to do it when he was sleepy and couldn't sleep.

"Happy birthday Hobi" you whispered and kissed his forehead before walking out and closing the door gently behind you. You turned around to see 6 very wide and annoying smiles from the guys.

"We came up to see what was taking you so long but now we know" Jimin said purposely raising his eyebrows multiple times, you blushed and smacked him shoulder before turned your head and started walking down the stairs. You all went your separate ways to begin getting the party preparations started


5 hours 30 minutes and what felt like forever later the decorations were up, the food was cooked and the 7 of us were exhausted.
"Okay guys lets get dressed and then y'all can go and get hobi" you said as you sat up and went to your bag of extra clothes. Everyone got dressed afterwards yoongi and Jimin left to go pick up Hobi.

30 minutes had passed and there was no sign of them and it only took 10 minutes to reach the company from the dorm. You paced back and forth messing with your fingers until Jungkook sighed loudly startling you.

He walked over to you and placed both his hands on your shoulders at arm length "Y/n calm down pacing will not make anything happen". " But kookie what if something happened to them cause they are taking forever" you stepped back but you tripped and started to fall but he caught you by your waist. You sighed relieved you didn't fall but at that moment Jimin, Yoongi and Hobi walked into the room and the three of them mouths were gaped open.

Hobi face frowned and he turned around and walked out of the room. " dammit, thanks for the warning guys" you sighed and ran after Hobi. You made your way outside to see it raining heavily, you ran and looked everywhere for him.

"HOBI!!!!!" you yelled repeatedly and you started to panic until you saw a figure sitting on a stone you could tell it was him and you sighed in relief and ran up to him.

"Hobi oh goodness you worried me are you okay? let's get you out of the rain" you grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him but he snatched it back.

"What's wrong Hobi" you crouched down to look at his face and you could tell the difference between the rain and the tears falling from his eyes.

You cupped his face and made him look at you. "Hoseok look at me whats wrong?"

"Is this why you couldn't be with me on my birthday because you and Jungkook had something going on? Is that what you wanted to show me when you had Yoongi hyung and Jimin come pick me up?" he said and each word his voice broke even more.

"No no no I swear there is nothing going on with me and Jungkook, I tripped and he caught me nothing more" You said as You moved his hair out of the way to look into his red eyes. He suddenly grabbed the back of your head and kissed you. You were shocked at first but kissed him back his lips were soft and slightly salty from either his tears or the rain but you didn't care.

He broke the kiss "Y/n I love you but more than a best friend I want to be more I've always wanted to be more than friends. I just could never tell you but when I saw you with Jungkook I got so frustrated because I thought I was too late. I'm going to ask you now y/n will you please go out with me?" you stood there shocked and then smiled sweetly.

"Of course oppa I wouldn't want anybody else to stay by my side" you say and pull him into a kiss but this time it was more special you felt that your hearts were connected and even if it was cold and raining you've never felt so warm. When the kiss broke you both smiled at each other and then you shivered and he noticed so you both walked back into the building you saw 5 annoyingly wide smiles and one straight face Yoongi.

"If you both are done now I would like to eat I didn't do all that hard labor so I could just starve" Jimin smacked yoongi's arm and everyone laughed and we started walking upstairs to go eat and have fun. The party was a success we found out that Namjoon can sing if he's not screaming, Jin can really mess up notes if he wants and yoongi actually is kinda hyper. After we sung Happy birthday we planned a group picture. We had a staff member take the picture.

"Okay on the count of three I'm gonna take the picture" everyone said okay and got into position.

"One, Two, Three" your smile was ready and prepared until when she said three Hobi kissed your cheek and you ended up with big eyes and mouth open. Everybody laughed at the picture Jin, Jimin and Tae was on the floor rolling.

Hobi came behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek again, "y/n guess what" he asked.

You turned your head "what oppa?"

He quickly pecked your lips and whispered

"I love you Jagi"


My friend and new co-writer Kay wrote this chapter hope you guys liked it

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