3 - purpose

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Nikolai Gordon (Imagined Similarly to Eric Smith, above)


Well, I did it. I took down the target. It was a bit agonizing seeing him struggle to stay awake. It was a good thing that we were in an area where people can't really see us because I had to spend the next few moments dragging him to my home. Thank god I had superhuman strength. I threw him over my shoulder and tried my best to avoid drawing attention to myself. We were at the Starbucks in the shopping plaza so escaping this populated area would be a challenge.

I had to sneak behind buildings and wait for the roads to have little to no cars so I can be able to cross. I am surprised that his friend did not notice that we did not come into the coffee place with her. I spent the last 10 minutes weaving my way around traffic in the dark, eventually, I was able to to find a secluded area near a suburb, I still needed to travel a bit more before I could reach my home.

I honestly do not know why I still call this place home, they are not my family. I am still there because I do not have anywhere else to go if it was not due that night I could have not turned into the monster that I am now, a vampire.


12 years ago

"Mommy? Daddy? How long till we get home?"

I was only five years old at the time. We were on the way back from a late soccer game I had at the time, we were driving on the highway by the hillside. It was supposed to be a good day today because I had just won the game and got a trophy.

My mom turns to face me in the passenger seat holding the trophy. "Did they give everyone this?" she asks.

 I shake my head yes with excitement, "And even the losers got one too, but it's small"

"Now what did I say about calling them losers?" my father interjects.

"But they did lose,"

"Yes, but it is not nice," he was beginning to raise his voice. I then sat back in my seat scared, I never liked it when he yelled at me. 

My mom chuckles and places a hand on his shoulder, "It is okay Hugh, I think it helps build their confidence. There will be moments in life where can be terrible, but you still find reasons to keep going. Those smaller trophies probably gave those kids the courage to keep going."

I will always cherish what my mother said because it was all I had left to remember of her in that last moment. After that it happened so quickly, I heard a faint noise before one of the tires blew out. My father tried his best to regain control of the car, but he ended up blasting through the side rail. We were tumbling down the hillside for a bit before we came to a halt.

Everything was woozy, I heard someone calling my name faintly. It was my mom, she was calling for me. I was small enough to slither my way out the window of the upside car, I crawled towards my mom. My whole body was in pain as I had cuts and scratches throughout my arms and legs. She spoke to me, "Sweetie. I want you to get away from this car."

I was frantic, I tried to pull her out of the car as I tried to hold back my tears. "Mommy, I am not leaving you and daddy." I glanced over to my father, he was bleeding from the mouth as glace shards impaled his neck. He was already dead. That is such a scary image to see at a young age, but I couldn't focus on him anymore. I could only see my mom. 

My mother tried to reach for me, she was able to hold my hand. "I love you, Nikolai. Please leave, find some help, I will be fine until then."

At that point, there was no use in trying to argue with her. After struggling to stand up I made my way away from the car. There was an area with people if I passed through some trees. I stumbled a bit through these trees before coming to a stop, I saw a figure ahead of me. It looked like a person, it started to walk towards me before abruptly stopping. "Can you please help me, my family is in danger," I was desperate for help.

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