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#1: do not spam me. DO NOT SPAM ME. I hate being spammed and I will quite our chain. I know it is harsh but I work quite a bit and I don't want to open my iPod to see fifty people texted me @LePotatoeSlotH

#2 you gotta rp with a daddy and a little. Or just a daddy. Once again I am sorry but I like playing both parts.

#3 you may tag, and gave links, just fill out the form completely and we will be good.

#4 straight to pm no matter what. That way I can always see your texts.

#5 talk to me I don't mind making conversation and love to learn about you. So if you got something going on and don't want to be laughed at by friends and family I am here Because I have no room to judge.

#6 I am sorry if you play with a mean daddy or a bratty little and he is too mean. That was his character You chose him. I am not the mean one I am simply a puppet playing a character for you. That also means no disrespecting me. No rudeness at all!

#7 four lines + or I won't reply. I understand if it was an off day and you can only think up 2 or 3 just make sure to tell me. We will make it work.

#8 I ain't a grammar nazi and I don't mind if you write your replies weird. Just make sure I know where you are going.

#10: have fun guys!

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