Chapter 2

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The bell rings, signaling the end of my first day as a junior. Usually, I'd be relieved. However, school being over meant one thing:

A hot boy was waiting at Locker 218 for me.

I have been anticipating this since third hour when he passed me the note. Should I meet him there, even though I know nothing about him or who he is? Although I am a bit terrified, blowing him off does not seem appropriate at the moment. I'm a nice person. I owe it to myself to be a little dangerous...especially after my dad left. I have been so busy taking care of my mother and I that I didn't have any fun all summer. Maybe I should take the risk.

Before I can overthink it any longer, I pack my things and head to Locker 218. What's the worst that could happen?


"Took you long enough," the gorgeous boy greets me. I roll my eyes.

"Okay, let's get something straight. I did not come here just to get made fun of by you. Just because you're attractive doesn't mean I'm going to let you take advantage of me. I'm not like most girls," I snap before thinking.

He smirks at me. "You think I'm attractive?" He asks, amused.

I blush. Oh crap, did I say that out loud? I shrug my shoulders and avoid eye contact with him. Well, that's embarrassing.

He chuckles before continuing. " I know you're not like most girls. I noticed that as soon as I first saw you in chemistry. That's why I wanted you to meet me here."

I quirk an eyebrow at him. " Because I'm weird?" I question, confused.

He laughs. I notice instantly that he has a beautiful laugh.

"No, silly. Because you're different. In a good way. I just want to get to know you. You know, solve your puzzle."

"Solve my puzzle?!" I laugh.

"Of course!" He counters, laughing with me.

"Alright then, let's walk," I suggest. I realize that I am too comfortable with someone who's name I don't even know yet, but I feel oddly at ease with this gorgeous boy with a nice laugh.

He shoves his books into his backpack and shuts his locker.

"Let's walk," He repeats and begins walking to the door. I struggle to catch up with his fast pace.

"So what do you want to know?" I ask him, probably a little to eagerly. What is my problem?

"How about we just start with our names?" He chuckles.

I giggle. "Yeah, sounds good. I'm Eve."

Suddenly, his eyes widen and he bursts into that beautiful laughter again. I look around, confused.

"What's so funny?" I question.

"Nothing." His laughter dies down and he leads me towards the quad.

"Next question."

"Wait, don't I get to learn your name?" I ask.

"Ah, let's hold out on that one." What?

I know this is getting sketchy, and I should probably leave now. The thing is, I can't.

"Alright. What's next?" I answer with fake confidence. He smirks at me. I try not to stare at his perfectly heart shaped, plump lips.

"What's going on with your beloved mama?" Okay, that's enough.

"I told you that was none of your business," I snap and turn away from him. I knew this was a bad idea.

I feel a hand grab my arm and gently pull me back. I look at the skin and see goosebumps raise where he touched. What the hell?

"Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was such a touchy subject for you. Do you want to talk about it?" My first response would always be no, but at that moment he looks me in the eyes and I am once again lost in them. He seems genuine and I could really use a friend to talk to about everything. Counselors never work for me. I take a deep breath.

"Yeah, sure. I guess." He smiles at me and sits down on the nearest bench. I sit next to him.

"You can't tell anyone, though," I add.

He makes eye contact yet again. Damn, this boy is good.

"I won't tell a soul," he promises.

And I believe him.

(A/N) Thank you so much to everyone who is taking the time to read my first story! I appreciate every single reader, even if it's in the single digits haha:)

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