The Beginning of The Day.

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"Oh shit Stiles we fell asleep on the couch waiting up for dad. Does he always stay at work all night? STILES GET THE HELL UP NOW I CAN'T BE LATE ON MY FIRST DAY!' yells Ryleigh. "Alright alright I am up you go get ready and I will call dad and see where he is. I can't believe it if he didn't come home last night." says Stiles to himself. "Stiles what the hell are you still doing in your pj's shouldn't you be getting ready for school like your sister is?" questions Sheriff Stilinski. "Oh um yeah dad I was just going to call you and ask you where you were and if you came home last night." wonders Stiles.

"Yes I came home last night and you and Ryleigh were asleep when I got in so I let you sleep. You both had school in the morning and if you don't get your ass upstairs and dressed you will be grounded. I promise that plus do you really wanna make your sister late for her first day at school I don't think so. She will be highly pissed off with you if you do. Now go." said Sheriff Stilinski. "Alright dad I'll be quick so Ryleigh and I aren't late to school. I thing Ry may want to talk to you though." says Stiles.

Just as Stiles starts heading up the stairs Ryleigh starts heading down them giving Stiles a look like really your not ready yet? Dad is going to be so mad when he finds out we were late to my first day of school. Although I know I will be highly mad but I can't blame him either. Dad was out late and I noticed Stiles tends to worry about him alot. I think it all started when our mom passed away but I can't be sure since I didn't live with them when I was little. I wish I did every day since I found out that Stiles is my brother and Sheriff Stilinski is my dad. I really wanted to know my mom for who she is not who she was. That just means I will have to make sure I know my dad and brother and that I never leave them behind now that I know the full truth about everything. When I first found out sure it was hard to understand but now I feel blessed to know that I really had two moms and not just one. Then to find out that I have a dad and a brother that was something that really took some getting use to but I am glad that I have them. It's still going to be a while before I get use to having an older brother but one day I will be so happy that I really have one to watch out for me. Well my dads staring at me like I am crazy I better get out of me head.

"Hey dad what's up? When did you get home? Stiles and I were worried you wouldn't come home last night."says Ryleigh. "Yeah I know Ryleigh, Stiles told me he thought I was working all night but I wasn't when I got in you both were asleep and I wasn't going to wake you up. You guys need your sleep for school so I let you all sleep. That was the right parental decision correct?" says Sheriff Stilinski. "Oh okay dad that's fine. When is Stiles going to be ready? Doesn't school start soon? Stiles hurry up!" yells Ryleigh. "Sweetie did you really have to yell in my eat? Couldn't you walk up the stairs and knock on your brothers door?" "Sorry dad I will do that next time." "Okay thanks sweetie." "No problem dad."

"Ry did you really have to yell up to my room I was on my way down. I just had to grab all my homework and take my adderoll. Unless you want me to be like a zombie all day." "Oh I'm sorry Stiles I didn't know next time I will be more patient." Ry it's fine I was just messing with you. Any way we better get going you don't wanna be late on your first day of school. Bye dad see you tonight." said Stiles. "Yeah bye dad have a good day at work" "Bye kids love you and be safe. Stiles you better look after your little sister and make sure nothing happens to her today." says Sheriff Stilinski. "You know I will dad she's my sister nothings going to happen I got this. Bye have a good day."

Stiles and Ryleigh walk out of the house and head for the jeep. They climb in and Stiles starts the jeep up to head to school so they can get today over with. Once they pull into the school parking lot Stiles sees Scott talking with Issac and Lydia. Once he pulls in to a spot he hops out of the drivers seat so he can introduce Ryleigh to his friends.

"Ry come with me I want to introduce you to a few more of my friends." "Stiles do I have to can't I just go get my schedule then go to my first period class?" "Come on sis you will love them and Lydia will love you and your style." "Fine only because your my big brother and I love you. So you just got lucky with introducing me to your friends." "Thanks Ry I promise you will love them." "Alright Stiles lets go meet your friends" says Ryleigh.

" Hey you guys I'd like to introcuce you guys to someone. Lydia, and Issac this is my little sister Ryleigh she is a sohpomore this year and she just came to live with us." says Stiles. "Wait why is your sister just now living with you and where has she been?" wonders Lydia. "Well you see my parents gave her to our aunt because she couldn't have kids and I was only a little over a year old so they didn't think they could handle it. I wish my parents thought they could because then I would have known my baby sister more than I do right now. Anyway now that you know our story I am going to go take her to the office then to her first period I will see you guys later in class. Bye" "Bye Stiles and Ryleigh is was nice meeting you and I see us being vey good friends." says Lydia.

Stiles and Ryliegh head to the office to get her schedule and map so she knows where shes going for the rest of the day. When they get there they ask Ryleigh to come into the room to see if she could help them understand why she was starting so late and what classes she was perviously taken. Then when everything was set in stone they said she could go start her first day and head to her first period. When she left the office Stiles was still outside waiting for her since classes haven't started yet. He walked her to her first class and showed her the direction her next few classes would be in. They then went their seperate ways to class.

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