‍ ‍ ‍"y/n!" the purple-haired male screamed, lunging forward and pulling you up into his arms. he wrapped his arms around you, pressing his face into your shoulder as he fought back the urge to cry. he was afraid to lose you, afraid to lose all of his friends. his entire life he has been training his entire life to become strong, but you have changed everything for him, your smile, your laughter, and especially your love. the feeling of complete and utter loss washed over him as he realized just how much you meant to him, and he wished that the feeling wouldn't go away. he couldn't help himself; his hands gripped onto your back tighter and tighter as a sob escaped his lips. you held onto his clothes in return, a small smile escaping your face with heavy lidded eyes.

‍ ‍ ‍"please, leave me here. go save yourselves... i can't endure this pain any longer..." you uttered quietly before closing your eyes and allowing yourself to finally relax. you were dying, your breathing was getting weaker and shallower every passing moment that passed, and your body temperature began to drop rapidly. your vision went blurry, but you kept your eyes opened. it was then the sound of glass breaking, along with a loud roar of an engine could be heard throughout the entire building. a few seconds later, a large explosion rocked the building, sending debris flying everywhere.

‍ ‍ ‍"hey, we have to get going!"

‍ ‍ ‍"we're not leaving you y/n behind! rindou you have to carry her, otherwise we're gonna have ourselves get burned here to death." kakucho shouted, roughly gripping the purple-haired's shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts. a loud explosion came again, and the building crumbled down on itself once more, sending debris flying everywhere like a bomb had gone off inside.

‍ ‍ ‍rindou grunted, struggling to lift your limp body, his arms trembling uncontrollably. he managed to put both of your arms around his neck and lifted you up from the ground, carrying you in his back out of the burning area. ran, takeomi and kakuco ran after them, following close behind, keeping their distance from the smoke billowing towards them. the male ran against the wind, ignoring the excruciating pain in his muscles that was causing him to stumble a little bit with each step. his heart rate was speeding up, and sweat was starting to form along his forehead as he struggled to move faster, though his legs got tired real quick, he forced himself to run faster. he could feel your blood flowing down his figure, your warmth seeping through his thin jacket and soaking him through. he was sure he was blushing, and he hated it.

‍ ‍ ‍it wasn't that long before they reached the exit. the ash, dust, and the stench of burnt flesh wafted into their nostrils, making their stomachs growl in hunger. just as soon as they left the building, the world around them seemed to disappear from view completely. all they could hear was the deafening loud sound of building blowing up, the impact sending the four of them off to the sound. the sudden change in scenery made the group dizzy for a second, they landed safely on the ground, though they weren't able to react before a huge blast surprised them. the force was strong enough to cause them to cough violently as they laid helplessly on the ground. the air was hot and smoggy, and it made breathing rather difficult. all they wanted was some fresh air, but unfortunately, there wasn't any left. as they slowly regained their composure, they saw the destruction that surrounded them. buildings of all sizes collapsed all around them, creating a massive crater in the ground.

‍ ‍ ‍"they must've planted bombs around the area. now let's make our way back to the city before anything happens." ran spoke, slightly coughing and dusting the dirt throughout his clothes. his hair was disheveled, but thankfully, he didn't seem to mind it too much. "that was fucking crazy!"

‍ ‍ ‍"it would've been bad if we were caught in here when it exploded." takeomi commented with a frown, rubbing his sore arm. it stung as much as the burns across his skin did, and the fact that he was also wounded caused him to feel exhausted.

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