Chapter 22

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~~~ Hello dear readers, this chapter is a little longer than some of the other chapters, but I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for reading this, and I hope you are having a great day. ~~~

Cao Cao couldn't help but smile as Xun Yu dragged him along. He thought that this happy and playful side of Xun Yu was adorable; however, as he admired Xun Yu, he forgot to pay attention to the bustling city around him. Because of this, he was forced out of his reverie when he bumped into someone. Cao Cao immediately apologized for rudely bumping into the man; however, the man who he bumped into did not appear to care for his apology and sneered at him as he walked away, shaking his head. Cao Cao watched as the man walked away and was confused as to why he was so angry about it when it was clearly an accident, but Cao Cao didn't have much time to ponder why the man got angry over something so trivial because, shortly after that, Xun Yu happily announced that they had arrived at his father's house.

Cao Cao looked at the house and froze in fear. Suddenly, the reality of the situation hit him like a ton of angry oxen, and he felt nervous as his mind began to race with several thoughts at once. What if his father doesn't like me? What if he gets mad at Xun Yu for being in a relationship with me and chooses to disown him? What if he doesn't approve of our relationship and he forces Xun Yu to move back in with him? Cao Cao had so many 'what ifs' floating through his head that it was suffocating his brain. Xun Yu could see the panicked expression on Cao Cao's face and he looked at the man with concern as he gently took both of Cao Cao's hands in his.

"Please don't be nervous, Mengde. No matter what happens in here, I will always love you." Xun Yu said seriously.

He was telling the truth. There was nothing that could ever make him relinquish his love for Cao Cao, not even if his father chose to disapprove of their relationship. He would do anything for Cao Cao, and there was nothing that could ever change that. Cao Cao gave Xun Yu a small smile to show him that his nerves were slightly better.

"I will try not to be too nervous, but I cannot promise you that I won't be nervous. No matter what happens between us, I will always love you, too. But, if things go bad, then I want you to know that you are absolutely amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you." Cao Cao stated as he forced a smile to cover up his anxiety.

Xun Yu frowned. He didn't like the idea of having to give up on the man he loved, but, from what Cao Cao just said, he made it sound like it was a possibility. Xun Yu wouldn't accept that possibility so easily, especially not when Cao Cao was the first person that he ever loved, and so he tried to push the negative thoughts aside and shook his head.

"I am unworthy of such kind words, but nothing will go wrong, so please try not to worry about it too much. Just be yourself and everything will go fine." Xun Yu replied.

Cao Cao nodded and the two reluctantly let go of each other's hands. They then knocked on the door and took off their shoes before entering the house.

"Baba, I am home," Xun Yu exclaimed. "And I have brought a guest!"

A second later, the happy voice of an older man could be heard.

"Yu er, is that you? It has been so long since I last heard your voice," Xun Yu's father said as he walked to the entrance of the house. "And who is this lovely guest that you have brought today?"

Xun Yu suddenly felt like something had seized his throat, and he couldn't bring himself to speak. He looked at Cao Cao with a pleading look on his face, one that asked the man to speak for him, and Cao Cao nodded to show that he understood what Xun Yu wanted him to do.

"Pardon my manners, I seem to have forgot to bring a gift. My name is Cao Cao, and I have come with Xun Yu today to discuss some important matters." Cao Cao stated, giving the man a respectful bow.

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