Chapter Two

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Ginny went to shove me to the side when her hand connected with my stomach, and her eyes widened, making me scramble to my feet and hold my wand out in front of my defensively. Ginny and I hadn't parted on good terms-she had assumed I was going to find my mate-not just get away from the press.

She gaped at me, sitting up and scrambling to her feet as she pointed at me, "You-you-how?! You've only been gone not even a year!! How did you-how can you be pregnant?!?!"

I stared, "I-I honestly don't know, Ginny. I-I slept with a muggle, in New York! Does this not usually happen!??"

Ginny made a disgusted noise in the back of her throat, "Men only become pregnant when they have creature blood! They form only when the man has had sex with his male mate. Whatever muggle you had sex with, was your mate!"

I gaped at her for a moment before I shook my head and stammered, "It doesn't-it doesn't matter! He's in a relationship! He's a genius billionaire!"

Ginny let out a sarcastic laugh, "As if he'd care once he heard you're a wizard! You're carrying his bloody children for Merlin's sake! Haven't you told him?!?"

I stared at her, blind-sided, and she pulled me into a hug and reprimanded me, "You didn't still think I'd be upset, did you, you idiot? It was a hard break up, Harry, but it's been a while and it gave me a lot of time to think. In fact, Neville and I are dating. Why are you here? You seemed to be in a hurry."

I hugged her back lightly before stepping away. "New York is under attack-I think they're aliens or something. Bloody hell, Ginny, it was terrifying. However, I may-I may have accidentally revealed myself to a superhero. Anthony Stark? He um...He saw me take down a couple aliens. Came to question me on how I did it and then ask why his suit was reading three heartbeats instead of one."

A small squeal sounded, "Twins??! You're having twins?!!"

Voices sounded nearby, making me turn sharply with my wand at the ready, and I looked down-checking to make sure my illusion hadn't faded. Coming out of the Burrow was George, Ron, and Percy, all laughing together with a smiling Hermione bringing up the rear. I watched as they all stopped dead, staring at me, before they all charged towards me.

I forced myself to hold still even as all my instincts told me to get the hell out of the way as all four of them ran towards me. Thankfully, Ginny got in the way and held up a hand as she said, "Do not tackle, hit, or hurt him. Hug him gently and you'll see why I say that."

Hermione rushed over, gently wrapping her arms around me and since she already knew the truth-I had to ask someone what was going on, after all-and said, "You should take the illusion down, Harry."

I shook my head and said, "Maybe when we're inside, Mione. I don't want there to be anyone that I don't want or that doesn't need to know, seeing."

Ron was next, wrapping me in a hug before jerking back in surprise with a suspiciously canine sounding yelp, "Bloody hell mate!! You're huge!" Hermione's elbow shot into his ribs, making him jump, and George came and hugged me, his hand resting plaintively on my bump as he murmured, "Congratulations, Harrykins."

I smiled at him, hugging him briefly before I turned and stuck out a hand for Percy to shake, he still didn't seem like the hugging type, but I was surprised when he pulled me into a hug and scolded, "You dropped off the face of the earth only a month after the final battle, Potter, and Mum and Dad have been worried sick!" As I shot him an odd look he smirked slightly and said, "Congratulations, Harry. I just wanted to see if my assumptions were true. Whose the lucky bloke?"

I flushed, "Thanks Percy. It's great to see you too. Can we go inside now?"

I brushed past them and headed for the door-I may as well get it over with, but I'd have to make sure that I took down the illusion before I saw Molly or she'd squeeze me too hard-Ron's hug had been uncomfortable, I didn't want to imagine how badly hers would be. Once inside, I dropped the illusion and shouted, "Molly?! Arthur?! Are you home!?"

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