Chapter four. - Proving Himself

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-Harry's POV- 

I just got home from our date and I saw Louis and Zayn playing video games, Liam was cooking and Niall was eating it. 

Poor Liam, I wonder how many more food will he cook for Niall. 

"Hey Liam ! Can I ask for sum advices?" 

"About what ? Love ? Okay, who is she?" 

"Actually, I love a girl but she doesn't love me back, and I told her that I will prove to her my love and I'll try my best to make her love me the way I do." 

Liam kept silent for a while. Maybe he was thinking of advices. 

"Well, if you want to prove her, start with small steps, list the possible things you can do to make her smile, do what she likes even if you don't really like it, cooking for her, singing for her, or you can sit under the rain and sing to her is sometimes effective. But to make her laugh and protecting her is one of the best way to win a girl's heart." 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you Daddy Direction's words of wisdom referring to love. 

He always knows what to say. :)))  

Right now, I'm in my room, making a list of things to do to prove myself. 

'My List of Things to do to prove myself to Olivia' 

1. Send her a bouquet of flowers, chocolates and teddy bears everyday. 

2. Cook and make her breakfast in bed. 

3. Take her to her favourite places and places she had never been before. 

4. Make her laugh and by always making her laugh, I could get to know her better. 

5. Protect her always especially from haters who might see us together in public. 


6. Sing for her either under the rain or not.  

The list is not necessary to be in order though. 

Okay, I'm gonna do number 1 first. Send her flowers, chocolates and teddy bears. 

Hmm. What is her favourite flower though? I can't just give her roses, she might have allergies or she might dislike roses. 

I know how to find out. 

I hopped to my car and drove off. Actually, I'm going to Olivia's house to know her favourite stuff but of course, I'm not gunna ask her, I'm gunna ask her sisters and her parents. 

_@Olivia's House_

I got of my car but I wore a disguised.


"Hello. Uhm, is Olivia there?" I asked trying not to familiarize my voice. It was the twins who opened the gate.

"Uhm, no. Why? If you want, we'll tell her you dropped a visit." Abbey said. Abbey is her name right or it was Anna. I don't know.

"No. Please. Don't tell her." I pleaded as I took off my disguise.

I could tell by the twins looks, they are dying inside when they saw me.

"H-Harry Styles !" They said in chorus.

"Shh. Keep it down. I came here to ask you girls some questions, if you don't mind."

"Sure. Come in !" They said again in chorus.

Are twins always like that?

They brought me to their room and wow, their walls are full of our pictures. They must be really big fans.

"I wanna ask some stuff about Olivia. I'll give you some merchandise if you want just to help me." 

"You are really in love with our sister aren't you." One of the twins said. I really can't tell them apart. Let's just guess that she's probably - Anna ? 

I just noded. 

"Okay, what are her favourites, likes and dislikes, hobbies, what she looks for in a guy and more info about her." I said. We really need to hurry cuz she might come home any minute. 

The twins just giggled. 

"One at a time Mr. Styles !" 

The twins told me her favourites firts. It turns out that her favourite flowers are purple orchids. :) 

Her favovourite food is Mac and Cheese. 

Favourite color is blue. 

Favourite place is the park. 

Likes quiet & peaceful places. 

Likes stargazing 

Dislikes make-up. 

Dislikes insects. 

Hobbies: Singing, cooking, shopping, planting & listening to music. 

She like sweet, funny, thoughtful and sensitive guys. 

She was adopted and was separated from her parents when she was young. 

When I found out she was adopted, I felt really sad. Cuz I know how she feels. I'm not adopted but my parents told me that I had another sister besides Gemma, and my parents told me she died at a young age. Her story makes me want to comfort her because I know the feeling of being lost and losing someone. 

I gave the twins a kiss, autographs and took a picture with them as a thank you gift for helping me know more about Olivia. 

I bade goodbye and I was about to leave and open the door when someone from outside knocked. 

"Abbey, Anna, are you there ? I got something for you." 

It was Olivia ! Oh no. My plans are gunna be ruined. 

The twins signaled me to hide in the bathroom, so I did. 

I just closed the bathroom door and placed my ear to the door to listen. 

"Look what I got !"  

Then I heard the twins screaming and shouting "Thank you sis ! Love ya!" 

Then I heard a door closed and then I heard a knock on the bathroom door and I immediately went out. 

"Thank you girls for hiding me. I owe you big time!" 

"No worries ! Just don't break our sister's heart or we'll break your face!" 

"Now, can you help me get out ? Olivia might catch me." 

They nodded and it seemed that they've already figured out a plan. 

The plan was Abbey was gunna distract Olivia while Anna accompanies me downstairs to escape.

Brilliant ! 

*Phew* I got out of the house without Olivia knowing I was there. 

I bade Anna goodbye and kissed her on her cheek. 

A kiss is one of the most sweetest gift you can give ya know. 

I immediately went home after that cuz it was almost 10:00 in the evening and I'm so tired. 

As I reached home, I called the flower shop and told them to deliver Purple orchids everyday to Olivia's house. 

I called the toy shop and the sweet shop as well to deliver teddy bears and chocolates everyday as well. 

And I told all the shop managers to always leave a note that says quotes and say its from anonymous. I'll just reveal myself on the right time. 

After planning step 1, I went to my room and doze off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2012 ⏰

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