"did they find out who took the shot?"

"one of the guys, yeah. fin arrested his ass real quick."

"hey, you both speak spanish, right?" amanda then said approaching us.

"i'm married to a cuban so you automatically assume i speak spanish, rollins?" i joke.

"sorry, i didn't mean it like,"

"i know, i'm kidding. i speak spanish, yes, and we all know amaro does. why, what's up?"

"the girl, luna, she speaks english, but she keeps speaking in spanish, and the new guy isn't exactly helping."

"he spoke to her alone?" nick asked as she shook her head.

"no, liv was there. but, she wouldn't stop speaking in spanish so they had to leave the room." she explained as we walked into the liv's office to see her and the new detective, who i immediately recognized, even with the terrible mustache.

"ruining our case already, carisi?" i joke as he turned around and smiled.

"not trying to, partner." he smiled as i hugged him.

"you two know each other?" liv asks.

"we've been practically best friends since, i don't even know how long, but it's a while." i replied as he nodded.

"no wonder you look so familiar." fin then said.

"anyways, back to our case." nick said. "you needed spanish speakers?"

"yeah, you both know spanish if i remember correctly, would you talk to her, see what you can get out of her?" liv asks.

"sure sarge." i reply, taking the file from her hand.

"do you mind having carisi join you? she spoke to us before she kind of shut down." she asks as we both nodded before heading into the room.

"luna, soy el detective amaro, y este es el detective reagan y sé que conociste al detective carisi." nick said as we walked into the room, sitting down at the conference table with her.

she gave us some sort of look before she spoke.

"yo no necesito hablar contigo." she said, clearly thinking i couldn't understand. she already knew sonny understood some, but not all of what she was saying.

"tù no puede obtener la ayuda que necesita si no nos permite ayudarlo." i replied.

the look on her face when i responded was priceless.

"nosotros queremos que vivas, luna, y queremos ayudarte, pero tienes que decirnos lo que sabes." i then said.

"why?" she then spoke in english.

"because you need help luna, but you also have to help us out here."

she turned to sonny.

"could you really get me t-status?" she asked. i looked at him confused, before he responded.

"yes, all you gotta do is tell detectives reagan and amaro what you know."

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