what we want to see |-/

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♡Profanity Warning♡

Dear Diary, today I had the worst day possible.
He came back. I'm not sure how i'm suppossed to deal with him without anyone knowing..
Anxiety... Go away..... Get out of my head.
I'm scared, Please. Get someone to help. There's no way I can get through this.

I'm Joshua William Dun, and yes, I own a diary.

It's not so bad when you think about it. It can take your negative thoughts and put them down into a book.

One that only you can see, unless you let others see how much of a wreck you are.

How terrible you are, how nobody wants you. How everything you do sucks.

That no matter how much you try you are never going to be good enough.

It's hard to live like this.

I'm not sure why, but I grab my keys and my rain jacket, and run out the door.

I lock the door behind me, hide the key under the red all star converse left shoe, the one next to the glass door.

I walk through the December snow that brings back memories, and I catch a snowflake.

Walking to the car makes me anxious.

What could happen? Murderers across the streets, someone could have stolen my car radio, so many things.

Regardless of the thought, I raise my hand and place it against the icy cold door handle.

I open it, as the snow falls off the door. I hop in, as I start the car.

I begin to drive.

It takes me to my friend's house, Debby. I once again open the door to the freezing cold car, and get out.

The house has red and green fairy lights for christmas, and a blow up santa.

The house itself is a dark red brick house with a wooden pallet section on the walls.

A window on the front of the house reveals a christmas tree, good looking enough to be Debby's decorating.

Definitley not like her best friend, Jenna.

The one that welcomes me in the house, and gives me a huge shock.

'Hi there!' She says, giving a smile. I take a jump back and let out a small scream. 'Where did you come from?!'

'From the door.' She says, giving me an unimpressed glare. 'Hah.' I say, grinning.

I look towards the door and run inside the house.

I turn my head to the left, and I see the couch, with Debby splayed on top. I give her a hug, as the tears start.

'Oh, Josh.. What happened to you?' She asks, with an accent of concern to top her voice.

'H-he's back...' I whimper, about to break down.

When I say he, I mean Anxiety.

He's like a demon. Am I going to die?

'Josh.. You'll be fine. It's going to stop. Don't worry.. I'm here.'

'I know..' I say, scared and in tears.

My heart skips a beat.

'Hey.. I know it's a bad time, but do you want to meet one of my friends?'

Just hope he's not coming for me. Just hope he doesn't know Debby's friend.

No fucking way. 'Sure!' I give off my best fake smile, but my eyes give alot away.

Luckily, Debby is oblivious to everything.

She smiles, and turns to her phone. 'Great!'

She dials an unfamiliar number, and rings.

'Hi Tyler! You can come over now. Yeah. Mhm! He's with me, right here! He's happy to meet you. Yeah. Seeya!'

I take a swallow of my saliva, and I look down.

'He's coming over now, Josh.' I give her a smile.

Eventually, the doorbell rings.

A pretty boy with jeggings and a floral kimono was waiting behind the door.

He has a cute smile, and nice brown eyes.

He was holding Bubble Tea, cherry flavoured, to match his lips.

Tyler's POV

W-Who are y-you?'

I ask this, curious as to who the red-floofed hair boy is.

'My name is Josh. Joshua Dun.'

He is cute.

'Who are you?'

He asks this in a sweet way. I notice his ears have gauges and I smile, I wish I had them.

'T-Tyler. Tyler J-Joseph. You c-can call m-me Ty.'

I'm scared, i'm so scared I could collapse. He is really, really cute.

I take a sip of my bubble tea, as an excuse to look away.

My ruby red skort flows in the open door's wind.

I guess Josh noticed it. He shuts the door.

Josh's POV

I'm not scared anymore. I'm definitley not scared anymore.

He's perfect. Who cares if Anxiety knows.

Who.. Cares.

Debby looks at us, and starts making kissy lips.

'Fuck off, Deb.' I say, with a grin.

My mind drifts away at the sight of him, until Debby yells at me.

'Josh! Yo!' She says, waving a hand over me.

I gasp, and then look towards her. Oh. just Debby.

Tyler walks further toward me, in a subtle way. He gives me a cute half-smile.

I smile back, drifting away in thoughts.

Do I like him? No. My last crush was AGES ago. And, I am pretty sure we're both guys.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2018 ⏰

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