Found Again

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So this is my chapter, I hope you like it!

I tapped my pen against my desk and sighed as I leaned back in my chair. I looked at the clock hanging above the door in front of me.

I was waiting for my next interview and the clock says that he is 25 minutes late. I threw my head back in annoyance and stood up from the uncomfortable spinning chair.

I stretched my arms over my head and glanced at all the pictures on my desk, my eyes landed on a particular one, like they always have. It was the picture my family and I took with Elliot at Christmas, we were all wearing hideous jumpers and we were all standing around the Christmas tree.

Our smiles were brighter than the lights on the tree. I remeber me ogling at Elliot, some how he made that terrible jumper look like something worn out of a Christmas catalog.

The cloud of loneliness started to form over my head again. It's been 7 years since Elliot said he would come back for me. I waited and waited, turned down every guy that came my way. I never cared about any of them, only him.

But as every year passed my hopes for him became slimmer and slimmer, it's only a matter of time before it disappears all together. Everyday I wonder what would it be like when our paths cross, our eyes meet and our feelings collide.

Tears started to brim my eyes, my mind always wander back to the words he said at the party,"I'm going back to the States for my mom but...I'm coming back for you."

I wonder if those words were a lie. I felt something roll down my cheeks and I lifted my hand to my cheek and to my surprise it came back wet. I sniffled and gabbed a tissue from my desk.

After I hit the 3 year mark. I set aside my Elliot torture and tried to continued my life. I finished school, and right away I started medical school, it was a bitch, but I got through it and moved here to the States to purse my dream of opening up my office here in New York.

Now I'm here, I got a chance and took it. The thought almost brought a smile to my face, I shook my head and stopped in front of the window. I leaned my head against the cool glass of the window and started down below.

I do wonder what would happen if Elliot had come back when he said he would. Would I be here? I furrowed my eyebrows, I knew if Elliot had stayed that I would be happier.

A faint knock on my door brought me back to my thoughts. I straightened my blouse and took a seat at my desk, crossing my legs. "Come in!", I yelled. I saw the door open a crack and I looked down, shuffling my papers and picking up my pen.

I heard heavy footsteps and then the sound of the chair sinking as person sat down. With my eyes still down, I spoke up,"Hello my name is Elliot Jensen, I will be interviewing you today, I usually don't do the interviews, but since you will be working along side with me, I want to see that I can handle the person."

"Still feisty as ever I see, nothing's changed huh munchkin? Are you gonna keep staring at that desk of yours or are you gonna look up at me?"

I froze and snapped my head up and met the eyes of no other than, Elliot Fintry. My eyes widened in shock and my mouth parted,"Fintry? W-what are you doing here?"

He smiled that sexy smile of his,"I'm here for you."

I shook my head in disbelief,"What do you mean, you're here for me?", I asked him. Fintry smiled,"I made a promise to you and I'm here to keep it."

I frowned and leaned forward towards Elliot, I saw his eyes glance down to where my top swooped in.

I glared at him,"Still a pervert I see, huh Fintry?"

Fintry gave me one of his heartbreaking grins,"Only for you munchkin."

I stood up while grabbing the papers I would need off my desk. I walked to the door and opened the door,"Elliot I think you should leave, you came, you saw me and that's it, now please.", I pleaded.

Elliot stood up, determination in his eyes. He strode towards me and pried my hand off the doorknob.

Once he got what he wanted, he closed the door and wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked up, fear in my eyes.

I thrashed around in his arms, trying to escape. Elliot kept his arms around me and backed me up until my back hit the wall.

I placed my hands on his muscular chest, I tried not to get distracted with the feeling of his chest under my hands.

I sighed and looked down at the floor,"Why? Huh, why now? 7 years ago you said you would come back for me and I waited, guys were always around, but I could never say yes, all I wanted was you. All because you said you would come back."

Elliot looked at me, I could see that he was trying to remain calm,"I had my rights, a lot of stuff was going down and I needed to clear my head, I wanted to come back, I wanted you, to have you in my arms, kiss you like the worlds ending, and mostly of all see what it felt like to call you mine." I glared at him,"Then why didn't you come sooner?"

Elliot came a little closer,"I was afraid! I was afraid that I wouldn't be good for you, that you could find someone better, so that's why I didn't come sooner, but last night I felt it, I felt that we need to be together,I felt like that I would be nothing,so last night I jumped on a plane and here I am, confessing what I feel."

I shook my head at him,"Did you wait?", I asked.

Elliot looked confused,"What?" I kept my eyes on him,"Did you wait for me, like I waited for you?" Elliot looked down, but before he did I saw guilt flash in his eyes. I shoved his chest and walked to my desk, I slammed my hands on my desk, "You make this whole speech about wanting me back, but yet you didn't wait, you went after girls, you did things that I didn't even dare do because of you."

Elliot came and stood over the desk,"I'm sorry okay? I thought you had moved on and that I was just a memory, how was I suppose to know that you would wait?", he yelled.

Tears pooled in my eyes,"Do you remember what I said at the party? I told you I didn't want anyone but you, and that's what I have been telling you! But like always you never listen Fintry Never. I'm done, get out."

Elliot shook his head,"No."

I looked down at my desk,"Elliot, just go please and we can get on with our lives and that's it."

Elliot grabbed my face, "Can't you see, I can't move on, you haunted me, I saw you everywhere and I knew it wasn't real, but I had enough and I wanted to make it real." I shook my head,"Why now? Honestly, tell me the real reason of why you came back. And don't you dare speak in riddles."

Elliot looked flustered,"Because-because.."

I ripped his hand away from my face,"Because what Elliot?!"

Elliot walked over,grabbed me by the hips and pushed me against the window,

"Because I love you Ellie!"

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