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Everything seemed so silent, the only thing I could hear was the sporadic beating of the cardiovascular muscle caged within a collection of bones stuffed away in my flesh, and the faint wails of a man from the mountains, a watcher named 'Josh' urging me to run faster.

"Tyler hurry!" He yelled as he tugged and pulled at my arm.

Running on wet rocks wasn't easy.

I'd only met Josh prior to my finally successful escape.

Though this situation I'm in doesn't exactly portray 'successful', I remain optimistic. Any place out of dema was a success to me.

Josh looks back to see nothing but high rock formations and wet stones by a shallow stream. The exact same thing we've been seeing while running for dear life. I don't understand why he was so fixated on getting away when there was no one chasing us to begin with. Maybe he knows more about being outside than I do.

That's probably likely. I know nothing. All I know is I've been deceived. Everything else is beyond my
comprehension, the way this watcher is clad in flashes of yellow, how he has yellow flower petals in his pockets are beyond me. Those petals won't last.

Our breaths were shallow as we continue walking along this barren wasteland. It was a depiction of beauty and isolation in itself. Beautiful nature hidden away by a civilization of control and deception.

"Where are we going?" I finally ask.

"We head true east." Josh answers, his attention very focused on getting away from the wretched place.

Something tells me even when his legs are broken he'd still be running away from dema. I couldn't blame him, I would be too.

"Why did you help me? I know you saw me lying like a dead man back there, I was caught, I failed escaping. I don't understand."

Josh sighs as he stopped in his tracks, "I know what they do to people who escape. We've observed you from above, you were so close yet you got caught, a failed perimeter escape. Well almost failed, I'm lucky the watchers I was with had just enough petals to distract them them'."

I nodded in silence as we proceeded.

The high rocks that enveloped us felt isolating.

Everything was silent again, just breathing and the crunching of rocks against heavy duty boots could be heard. It was honestly starting to get irritating.

Everything was normal, quiet, and a bit serendipitous.

But Josh stops.

I don't know why.

I could see him stiffen as he looked back for the first time in a while, and there I could feel his heart stopped.
His eyes widened as he grabbed my arm yet again and pulled into another marathon of sprinting on wet, slippery rocks.

We trudged through the obstacle course that was made up of boulders and a number of other things in the way, as I was on the process of looking back to see what the fuss was about Josh had yelled, "DONT LOOK BACK."

it made me want to look back even more.

I let my curiosity get the best of me.
As my doe brown eyes retracted to what was behind me I felt my stomach churn, my neck being suffocated, and my hands clammy.

I felt a wave of doubt, insecurity and fear envelop me in just seconds.

I was terrified.

And Josh could feel it, "I told you not to look back!"

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