Chapter 2

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Hey guys! Here's chapter two : ] I am soooo sorry that this took so long to get out.. It's just everything that I wrote seemed like crap so I had to restart like 287954367826502 times! But anywhoo, here's chapter two! And don't forget to vote/comment/fan!! : D

Also dedication is for Jenny20 for the lovely covers on the side! I'm using one of them as the current cover <3 Thanks so much!


Rose watched with pride as her little girl showed what she learned on her first day of dance class. Sienna twirled around, prancing and jumping, looking like a dancer already. Rose smiled with slight tears in her eyes. When the performance was done, Sienna took a bow, giving everyone her happy toothless grin. All the other proud parents erupted into applause and the kids scattered, running to their parents.

"Mommy, mommy, did you see me dance? Did you?" Sienna asked Rose, jumping up and down.

"Of course I did sweetie, you were awesome! I can see you being an aspiring dancer," Rose said, bending down to Sienna's height and giving her a big hug. Rose bent back up and seen Danielle walking towards them.

"just like your Aunty Danielle." Thanks so much for doing this, Dani. Really means a lot." Rose said and embraced her in a hug, she's been so much help to Rose these past couple years and she was really thankful.

"Mommy, what does aspring me?" Rose laughed at her daughters attempt at saying 'aspiring.' Danielle picked Sienna up and set her on her hip.

"It means you're going to be amazing baby girl!" Danielle said smiling down at Sienna.

Danielle put her god-daughter down and she immediately went off to play with some of her new friends. Rose and Dani laughed at the animated little girl running around and jumping on the mats.

"So, Rosie, I think that we should do something tonight. I mean, it's Friday, and we haven't done anything since Hallowween." Dani said, turning to look at Rose. "It's almost the end of November."

"As good as that sounds Dani, I really can't. Jasmine left for the states yesterday so I don't have a babysitter." Rose said, looking apologetically at her best friend.

"I know someone who can watch them!" The brown curly haired girl said.

"Dani...." Rose said looking sceptical.

"Come on Rose! It'll be fine!"

Rose looked over at her daughter who was now talking animatedly with another little girl. Sienna's hands were flying all over the place while she talking. "Ok. But Sienna has to be ok with it! I don't like leaving her with someone who she doesn't know."

"Sienna!" Dani called. The little girl came running over to her mother and her Danielle.

"Yes, Aunty Dani?" Sienna said, looking up at her.

"Do you remember those people you met when me and you went shopping while mommy was at work?"

"Yeah!" Sienna said excited, while Rose looked confused.

"Do you wanna go over to their house tonight to play?" Dani asked, bending down to eye-level with Sienna.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Sienna said jumping up and down. "Please mommy, Pleaseee?!"

Rose looked over to Danielle, who was just smiling. Usually Rose wouldn't say yes. But because this was Danielle, and Rose trusted her with not only her life, but Sienna's as well, she nodded her approval to Sienna.

"Thank you mommy!" Sienna said, wrapping her small arms around her mother's legs.


"You look beautiful mommy!" Sienna said, looking up from her coloring book to her mother.

Already ThereOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora