Chapter 3: blackmail

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*the next day after school*

"Daddy! I'm home!!" I yell into my empty house " Daddaayyy!!"
I poked my head into his office and then I realize
"Oh yeah it's Friday..daddy works today. I feel like he's always working."

I go to the kitchen to make a snack and hurry out so I can watch my tv program but i stopped to read the note daddy left me.

I'm going on a business trip to Hawaii. It'll be a couple weeks before I get back. Here's some cash for necessities. If you need me just call and I'll be on the next flight home.
I love you.

"I love you too, daddy."

"Why does he lie to me?" I thought. "Nobody goes on a business trip to Hawaii. Why couldn't he just say he was going on vacation? Oh well."

I grabbed the 800 dollars and walked into the living room with my pop tarts and began to munch.


"Oh what now?!"
I picked up my phone and read the message. It was from Johnny.

"Not this kid again."

"Well I'm free tomorrow do you wanna get dinner ? - Johnny "

"Are you serious ? -Bb"

"I'm very serious about telling the school your a liar. -Johnny "

"So tomorrow @6 ? -Bb "

"That sounds lovely:) -Johnny "

"Where are we going???? -Bb "

"It's a surprise ^3^ -Johnny"


"I can't believe that jerk is forcing my to date him. This is blackmail!" I say to myself.


"Hey, Beebz. Wanna hang out today? -Abbey"

"I can't sorry :( -Bb"

"Why not? ㅠㅡㅠ -Abbey"

"I've got a date.. -Bb"

"OMG with who? - Abbey"

"Johnny Depp.Text you later -Bb"

I started getting dressed for the date. I put on a long sleeve white lace crop top and a high waisted baby blue skirt that met the top so I was only showing a little bit of skin below my breast. I paired it with some lace ankle socks and baby blue chunky sandals from Stylenanda.

I let my chocolate brown hair down loosely and did my makeup as usual.

I was all ready and damn did I look good. So I couldn't help but snap some selfies and send them to Abbey.

"Ready for the date <3 <3 don't I look pretty? - Bb"

"You're stunning darling <3 - Johnny"

"Oh shit ." I said out loud. I sent it to Depp. "He thinks I'm stunning??"

Ding dong!

I run downstairs and open the door to find Johnny looking amazing in a blazer and matching pants with a white tee shirt underneath and a bouquet of flowers.

"Hey, doll."

"Hi..Are- Are those for me?" I said motioning towards the flowers.

"Of course they are." He chuckled "who else would they be for?"

"I'm just a little shocked."

He smiled and said jokingly "What has no one ever given you flowers?"

I shook my head and his smile turned into a look of sadness.

"We'll come on" I said impatiently "let's go!"

And we hopped in his car and drove off.

The car ride was a bit awkward until i broke the ice.

"Where are we going?"

"A little place my friend owns down on main st."

"We're here."
He got out of the car and opened my door for me.

"I can do it myself thank you." I snapped. Why was he being so nice? This isn't how he was acting at school yesterday.

We walk in to this cozy little Italian restaurant and a gust of delicious smells hit me like a wave.

"Hey David!" He tells to the owner in the back."Aye Johnny, how ya doin'?

"Very good. Is my table all set?"

"Of course. Right this way."

David led us to a table for 2 in the front with a rose in a small glass in the middle of it.

We both sat down and he took our orders and left.

"Johnny, why are you acting so nice?"

"What do you mean?"

"At school when you found out my secret you were acting like I was the scum of the earth and now your treating me like a princess. Why?"

"I was just mad, Bb. I really like you."

"You don't even know me!"

"But I'd like too...Tell me about yourself."

"Well, my full name is Beatrix Brooklyn Morales, my father's a millionaire, my favorite author is Hunter S. Thompson, and my favorite band is Jefferson Airplane."

"I love Thompson's work have you read 'hells angels'?"

I nodded "One of my favorites"

"Now Johnny tell me about yourself."

"My full name is John Christopher Depp ll, my father'a dead, my favorite author is also Thompson and my favorite band is the one I play in."

We talked the rest of the night about our love of American literature and the freedom land of the 70's. I certainly couldn't talk about this stuff with my friends. I talked to him about the real me not facade I put on in school. We really hit it off. Who would've thought?

We ate our pasta and went home.
He walked me to my doorstep.

"I had a great time, Johnny."

"Me too. Can we do it again?"

"How about Sunday?"

"Sunday sounds great!"he cheered happily.

"But next time I hope it's not blackmail." I joked

He blushed "yeah I'm sorry about that." He said rubbing his neck. " I just didn't know how I was going to get your attention."

"Sorry, Johnny for making you feel bad." I said and looked down at my feet.

He pulled my chin up and pulled me closer so that my waist was against his. Speechless and drunk in his beauty I whispered "you have beautiful eyes." He giggled a little before planting a kiss as soft as rose petals on my lips. I could feel the electricity in that one kiss and I wanted more. I pulled his blazer closer to me and deepened the kiss.

He released me from the kiss and uttered "Goodnight, Beatrix."

"Goodnight, Johnny."

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