Chapter 33: To Help Somebody Someday

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Seishiro's short POV
This is bad, if I can't fight because of the restriction then what should I do?
...If only I can support them while figthing and protecting the othersーwait. Support... maybe that one will work, I guess that magic will work. - While thinking in my toughts...

I secretly cast a spell and it reached the three. I just remain with the kids who were scared. I felt bad so I tried my best for them. "Protection Creation Magic: Anti-attack shield. Additional Magic: Calm heart." I casted in a whisper way. The kinds manage to calm down a bit.

Asta's POV
"What the heck's going on?!" I said. "We can't handle something that big! First of all, we have to get the kids out of here." Sister said. I found the kids are not that much scared anymore. I can see some small line from them. Could it be...? "But the kids sure are brave, they're not that much scared." I said. "Idiot, I made them calm for a bit. They can't evacuate safely if they're panicking." Seishiro said. "Do you really have to call me idiot?" I ask him.

Then Sister Theresa casr a magic and turn into the Leopard like. "Kids, take turn riding out of here on that!" Sister said. "Joran can I too?" Sei ask. "I told you, it's only prohibited in offense." Joran said. Then Seishiro open his grimoire and two fox made of fire showed up. "Some of the kids can ride over here, to make sure you can go out of here safe and fast." Seishiro said.

So his not allow on offense but support and defense can do. Well his powerful, but I can't let Seishiro fight for now. I remember when Captain said that they're after him, so I can't let him fight and get captured. - in my thoughts.

~In Sister Theresa's thoughts~
"It'll tale at least ten or twenty minutes to get them all out of here. We have to hold this thing back until then."

"I won't let you get near them!" I said. Then he step forward. "Die... All of you..." he said. I remember Sei called him Baro, so as the guy in white hair. "*mumble* *mumble* *mumble*" I heard some mumble from Seishiro but could hear it.

(Like we could die easily....#############)
Is what Seishiro said. I really can't hear the other parts, but I can tell his right. Then he stop in front of his ally. "B-Baro? What's wrong?" He ask then Baro take a stance of attacking the whitehead. "Y-You don't know who I am?" He ask then Baro tried to attack him. But I cut his arm and the shield suddenly comes out of the blue.

This supporting magic... so Seishiro cast some magic for us. He sure can think fast on back ups, your clever smarty. - In my mind.

"Did I just felt like someone's gaving me a nickname in thoughts?" Seishiro ask while shivering. "Huh? No." Joran answered. "Why... did you save me?" Neige ask. Now I remember his name. "You haven't taken responsibility for any of this yet! I'm not letting you die until you do! Also, what's your problem? You're trying to kill your own brotger?! You moron!" I said. Then take the head start.

"Your one to talk. Your senior is a moron too, like senior like junior." Seishiro said. Joran just look at him confused. Then Magna on the other hand, he sneeze. "Looks like my sword's working, so I'm just gonna quickly take care ofー" I said. Then he attacked, good thing I dodge by stoping my self from running. "Now your anti-magic won't be able to defeat him so easily! The dark magic item I just injected him with eats the subject's life force and produces an explosion of magical power!" The Crazy girl name Sally said.

"Tch! If only I have magic to control time. Too bad I don't activated it and I can't even if I wanted to. I wonder why?" - in Seishiro's mind but Asta didn't read his mind. (By author)

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