The Problem Revelation

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Namjoon laughed hard as he watched the maknae line tackle Jin down to the floor tickling him; all too happy that they had moved on to their next target leaving him alone. Those three when they decided to team up, it was impossible to stop them. Even the staff had troubles especially when they begged for food with their big puppy eyes.

"Yah!" Jin protested fergein anger, but of course that didn't stop the youngsters.

"Joonie." Jimin finally said getting out of the evil alliance mentality, which of course everyone knew it was him who usually started it.

Jimin was the kindest person he knew, but he also knew that Jimin was the most mischievous person in their group. He was the most sensitive and of course the one no one dared to cross if angered. He might be small, but Jimin was strong, and outright scary. The members had tried warning the world, but it seemed that everyone got stomped by Jimin's cuteness and sexiness. They were completely blind to his scary side, even if Jimin was still Namjoon's sexy mochi.

"What is it?" Namjoon asked slightly weary as Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other assessing the situation; as if gauging whether or not Jimin would instruct them to continue their reign of chaos.

"Can I stay for extra practice time?" Jimin asked.

That was a policy now, made by Bang and all the managers. After the sixth time they had found Jimin passed out in the mornings from all the extra practice time they had made it into a policy. Jimin and anyone who wanted extra practice had to ask for permission.

"I don't know Jiminie." Namjoon said wearly, "for how long are you planning on staying?"

"Two hours tops." Jimin said as though two hours was a reasonable amount after a sixteen hour day.

"Tomorrow we start promotions." Namjoon reasoned well aware that the other members were watching and paying attention.

"I know," Jimin nodded obviously not following. "That's why I said two hours. And besides, you know that we're going to record our first dance practice in two days."

Namjoon looked at him, he could feel his own annoyance starting to rise. When would Jimin finally accept himself and just admit that he too was human and that he needed rest. It had been two months since Jimin had admitted to the others about his bad eating habits. Ten days with one meal, fuck!

"One hour." Namjoon decided, "You can stay for one hour."

Jimin's eyebrows knitted, obviously disapproving, but at the same time he didn't want to argue just incase Namjoon changed his mind -- so he agreed.

Namjoon almost wanted Jimin to argue so that he could make him come back to the dorms with everyone. He also had a nagging feeling that Jimin didn't want to leave in the chance that the group would make him eat dinner with them.

"Okay everyone lets get back to work." Namjoon said directing the team.

The dance practice continued until he felt as though his limbs were about to fall off and his lungs were about to give up. After helping clean up the studio they bowed at the staff for all their help and they left Jimin alone at the dance studio.

He didn't feel right about it, but he knew that he couldn't dictate everything. He had to trust his team members. It was just so hard when he knew that they were hurting themselves or pushed themselves too hard. If he could, he would take away all their suffering and pains and just let them soar.

"It'll be okay." Jin leaned over in the van. "Jimin has been doing so good lately."

"Yes." Namjoon mumbled knowing that there was truth on that statement too.

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