Part 4

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Part 4
Justin was near the bar holding a glass of wine made me feel curious cause he was never that addict to alcohol as he was drinking over and over again well I ignored him but my heart could not stop thinking about him .
"Heyy,who is that guy over there beside the bar ,he is been staring at you for a while now''? he asked me all of a sudden .
Well he is my ex-boyfriend I mean the one who betrayed me ,I started crying cause being betrayed is the pain that someone can't forget however I try to move the more it hurts me, I start wondering.
Then Christ scoot closer to me in order to relieve me from my sorrow which made Justin get to the point.Then I could see hatred in Justin 's eyes therefore Justin press on his glass which cause it to crash .
Justin's hand started bleeding and his friends came to him,asking him what happened. However his friends were fed up asking what happened and they left as Justin did not paid heed to them .
"Well let's get going I give you a lift ,btw y/bf /n is gone as it is too late ".he said
And I agreed while leading to the exit of the club.

Before exiting the club ,i looked at Justin one last time to see tears down his cheek and his friends around him looking at me at Christ, i made eye contact with them before walking out the club
to be continue...
Hope you liked it

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