RPwL - Part 6

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Hikari: *raises eyebrows* *sarcasm* you're under arrest. *sighs* no you can go.

Aidou: *raises eyebrow at Hana as if she said something; nods at her* I'll keep an eye out. *two-finger salutes the pair and walks away*

Hikari: I hate you guys and the whole telepathy thingy. *sighs* let's go look!

Hanako: *nods; walks back towards Jin's flat* he's back.

Hikari: *sighs and goes back*

Jin: *runs out and grabs hikari* get in here, now.

Hanako: *follows them in*

Jin: Senri's talking gibberish. *pauses* well, not really, my Japanese is a bit rusty...

Hikari: ..... *walks inside and peeks at Shiki from behind a wall*

Shiki: *smirks but doesn't turn around* Hi Hikari.

Hikari: *still hiding* um...hi.

Jin: *taps your shoulder*

Hikari: *looks at her* what?

Jin: *holds up a bottle of painkillers* do painkillers work differently on Vampires?

Hikari: *shrugs* I wouldn't know. Ask Hana. *avoiding seeing Senri*

*Hikari's cell phone rings*

Hikari: *answers* Yo?

Noah: Hikari?

Hikari: yup?

Noah: hey, your friends, you know, ah, the blond one who use to drink all the time and his brunette brother?

Hikari: Sei? Why? *looks at Senri but looks away*

Noah: um, do you have any idea why they'd be in Austria?

Hikari: nope but it's not surprising? Why? How's Jun?

Noah: hold on a second *buttons click*

Jun: hi Hikari!

Hikari: hey jun! How's life with mah bro?

Jun: eh. *fake whispers* he's boring at night. *noah smacks him* OW!

Hikari: *plays along* as expected. He's a w-i-m-p!

Jun: *laughs; Noah smacks him again*

Noah: *in background; laughing* I can hear both of you, you know!

Hikari: *laughs* gotta go. Bye guys! *hangs up and walks over to Senri*

Shiki: *has a large bandage around his head* hey.

Hikari: *just looks at him and then hugs him really tightly*

Shiki: *winces because of the pain; hugs her back.

Hikari: *whispers* you idiot, I thought you were dead!

Shiki: *grumbles* blame Sara Shirabuki.

Hikari: ..... *pulls away after a while* what exactly happened?

Shiki: honestly, right now I can barely remember what I ate for breakfast...

Hikari: ...yikes.

Shiki: *frowns slightly* I don't even know how I got this cut on my head...

*Hikari's cell rings again*

Hikari: *answers* yo?

Noah: ok, any reason why Roku and Sei would be on wanted posters all over the city?!

Roleplay w/ LalapoppyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant