50 Ways To Annoy Ty

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1# Steal her book

2# Mess with her stuff

3# Flirt with her

4# Make Tony flirt with her

5# Let Tony flirt with her

6# Let Nick flirt with her

7# Take away her mother card from her

8# Claim Ember as your child

9# Let Ein drink

10# Do not tell her that Ein is drinking

11# Tell her a week later that Ein was drinking

12# When she askes for food give her a book

13# Steal her stuff

14# Take Buddy out

15# Let Buddy lose

16# Tell her Buddy is destroying stuff

17# Do not tell her where buddy is

18# Give her a love letter from Tony

19# Say the love letter is ment for Ember

20# Make Ty try and be friends with the king

21# Do not let Ty leave wi tyhout becoming friends with the king

22# Lock her and Tony in a room together

23# Give her a book that she wants

24# Tell her that you got it for cheep for a epmty book with the cover of her favorite book

25# Have Ember and Tony hang out

26# Don't tell Ty

27# Lock Ember and Tony in a room

28# Tell Ty they are locked in a room

29# Do not give the key to Ty

30# Tell Ty you lost the key

31# Throw a party is the safe house

32# Invite everyone to the party

33# Invite the Demon King and his family

34# Do not tell Ty about the party

35# Do not tell Ty the Demon King and his family are here

36# Have everyone ship her and Tony

37# Tell her it's cannon

38# Make her watch the bachelor

39# Force her to have a date with Tony

40# Don't let her stop the figh between Ein and Tony

41# Make her watch the fight

42# Duke tape her mouth so she can't tell them to stop fighting

43# Tell her she has to share a room with Tony

44# Don't let Flora and Ty share a room

45# Don't let her share a room with Ember

46# Let Tony do whatever he wants to Ty

47# Let Nick do whatever he wants to Ty

48# Don't listen to Ty

49# Prentent Ty is not there

50# Kick Ty out

50 Ways To Annoy TyWhere stories live. Discover now