Meeting (PT 1)

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Today, is my first day working at Lee Company. I'm very excited and nervous at the same time! I can't believe that I'm actually Mr Lee Jae Yong's secretary! He's the most famous CEO in Korea! Isn't that cool?! Ahh~~ I'm fangirling on my own.. T^T

I decided to wear a white shirt and a black skirt, not too long, not too short, and black sneakers. Why you ask? I hate heels, the end.

I was walking while nagging about my clothes.

Sooyun : This skirt is suffocating me! Why did I even bought it at the first place?!

Suddenly, I bumped into someone so unexpectedly.

Man: Watch where your ass is going!

The guy yelled. What the heck? It's not everyday you bumped into someone beautiful like me. HAHHAHAHA! But I have to admit, I am beautiful..~

Sooyun : Sorry not sorry it's not my fault you put your eyes on your knees!

Man : How rude! Don't you know who I am?!

Sooyun : I don't take any interest of knowing you, so bye! I'm gonna be late because of you!

I stormed away from the mean guy and head straight to the elevator. What is he? 5? Arguing like that?! Aish..! Such a rude guy! I thought. After a couple of minutes, I arrived at the 25th floor, the building has 30 floors, such a pain in the ass. Traveling up and down, down and up.

I knocked on the door where I saw a golden sign with 이재용 (Lee Jae Yong).

Mr Lee : Come in.

I came in and my mouth opened immediately. The office was chic and grand. The walls are painted black, grey, red and a touch of gold.

The colours are a perfect match! I thought. The office was spacious and there were shelves that were black coloured. And there it is, it's the same golden sign outside but this ones kinds different.

이태용 (Lee Tae Yong)

Mr Lee : Ah, you must be Kim Sooyun! Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Jae Yong. And uh, you must be wondering why it's Lee Taeyong's name on the desk, I'm passing my company to my son. Since I'm getting old and can't really handle much work, so I passed the company to him. He'll be your boss. And also, the sign outside will be changed today too. I hope it's okay for you Miss Sooyun. And, you're the youngest worker in this company.

Suddenly, someone barged in the room without knocking.

Man : Dad have you seen file number-

Mr Lee : Taeyong! You're just in time! Meet your new secretary, Kim Sooyun. She's experienced business course and all. She's also-

Before Mr Lee could continue, the rude guy aka Taeyong cuts Mr Lee's sentence.

Taeyong : Dad, I wanna hear her introduce herself. Introduce.

He said with a stern look and cold voice.

Sooyun : I'm Kim Sooyun, your new secretary.

Taeyong : What made you choose this job?

Fuck. I thought, what should I answer?!

Sooyun : A friend of mine suggested it and I did a research on this company and found it interesting so I joined the interview and I passed and here I am standing in front of you, Mr Lee Taeyong.

I purposely pressed his name a bit so that he'll find his senses and forgive for what had happened earlier today.

Mr Lee : So Taeyong, show Sooyun where her office is, tell her what to do and what will she be doing, make sure she's good, and most importantly, don't go hard on her, Taeyong, understand?

Mr Lee said it with a stern look.

What's up with this family? Having stern looks?

Taeyong : Yes, Dad.


It was already 8 pm and all workers are dismissed. I quickly packed my things and head outside waiting for a bus.

Taeyong : You do know busses doesn't come here right?

Sooyun : You startled me! Oh my god! What do you mean busses doesn't come here?!

Taeyong : Since we all have our personal cars we didn't need a bus, so, let me drop you off instead.

He said with pure care and love. Wait did I say love?! Oh heck no I didn't!

Sooyun : I'd rather sleep here than having an asshole sending me back to my apartment.

Taeyong : Can you just appreciate what I'm doing here?! Fine then! Sleep here on the ice cold floor!

Taeyong walked away. His words left me hurt. But then he came back.

Taeyong : Come on let's go?

Sooyun : yeah *gives him my address*

After a couple of minutes we arrived.

Sooyun : Thanks for dropping me off.

Taeyong : Anything for my love *winks*

Soon after I came out from the car and felt my heart was beating crazily.

What's happening to me?

pottersya sorry if it's too long and boring i tried my best! it's 1:47 am now! sorry if it's boring!

-Irene 🌙💚

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